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Taiwan, Asia's hidden paradise

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Oct 2, 2015
OK, well that may be a little strong.. but the diving here is pretty good..

I dive mostly up north, the best diving is further down south either in Kenting on the main land or out on green island..

Up north we mostly shore dive.. so a couple dives end up costing up just the air fills (including tank rental) which runs at about USD10 for 2 dives.. cheap if i don't say so myself..

Anyway, if you happen to be over in Taiwan on business, take an extra couple days and visit some of the dive sites. If you need more info look me up..

Hi Hsinhai,

Do you know how much is it to rent all the equipment: BCD, regulator, fins, mask and wetsuit and tanks (also for 2 dives)


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Hi Hsinhai,

Do you know how much is it to rent all the equipment: BCD, regulator, fins, mask and wetsuit and tanks (also for 2 dives)


Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Hi Honeybadger,

It sort of depends where about you are diving, up north normally a full set of rental gear (BCD, regs, fins, mask, wetsuit, weights) will cost NTD1,000 (USD32) per day. If you go to one of the islands like green island or xiao liu qiu they charge a little more as they have a captive audience.

The tank rental is normally part of the air cost, so you rent tank/air those are usually NTD200~300 (USD6~10) depending on the operator/location. EANx a little more.

Check out Diving Taiwan for some more info specific to scuba diving in Taiwan.

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