On 18th & 19th June 2005 World Champion FreeDiver Tanya Streeter will be at the 30m Submarine Escape Training Tank (S.E.T.T.) in Portsmouth, UK to teach an "Introduction To FreeDiving" Course with DeeperBlue.net. This special event, in aid of the Mencap Dive:24 event, will feature Tanya working with DeeperBlue.net instructors to teach students how to FreeDive in the beautiful 34 Celcius / 94 Farenheit temperature waters of the tank.
The course costs 600 GBP and space on the courses are extremely limited with places going very fast!
Head over to http://www.deeperblue.net/courses/ for more information as well as to book your place!
The course costs 600 GBP and space on the courses are extremely limited with places going very fast!
Head over to http://www.deeperblue.net/courses/ for more information as well as to book your place!