I've left work already, but I have pdf file with the explanation of the 90x, I think it has a saw muzzle that don't allow circular band, should be an easy gun to move around. I can't give enough praise about this gun, really well finish the gun has perfect balance very acurate (I have a pal and an azimuth), I would recomend the pal not the azimuth.
About the size I think small wooden guns are somewhat a waste of money, if you are buying a small gun like a 90, is because you need to move the gun fast, wooden guns never move as fast as rail guns, I've arrived to this conclusion after purchasing 6 wooden guns from 80 cm to 140 cm.
Today the only reason I would consider a small wooden gun would be to hunt snook, since it is best with quite shoots, wooden guns are good for that.
But my teak-sea pal is by far my favority wooden gun , I regret getting the 100 instead of 110 or 120. Their reel is a waste of money I think I have mine with a RA carbon reel. IMO teak-sea are the most beautifull wooden guns (forgive me spago - but it is true), they are teak therefore they don't stain like other woods do.
The wooden handle is just perfect very confortable and ergonomic, the line release is nice and with a nice angle, I never had one single tangle shot with it.
I will look for the pdf file about 90x and try to post here.