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Technisub Micromask VS Technisub Sphera

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New Member
Jun 10, 2009
I need a new Mask for Freediving an i saw the Sphera on many Freedivers out there.
But the Micromask seems to be a good Mask too.
I´ve tried them both in a Diveshop and they fit both.
The Micromask is a little smaller but fits ok for my Face.
Now the Problem ,what Mask should i take?:confused:
Sorry for my bad English.
They are both good masks in my opinion.

The sphera is more flexible and therefore more "forgiving" if you miss an equalisation -> you don't have to equalize that often.
but it's not so durable and you have to get used to the vision because of the plastic glasses.

The micromask is more durable and has better vision but you have to equalize often enough.

(Sphera ist flexibler und man muss weniger oft Druckausgleich machen, dafür hält sie weniger lang und man muss sich an die etwas verzerrte Sicht gewöhnen weil sie eine gebogene plastik Linse hat.

Die micro hat halt normale Sicht bei minimalstem Volumen und hält länger, dafür merkt man schnell wenn man vergessen hat Druckausgleich in die Maske zu machen )

Depents on the use;
Deep diving: Sphera
Spearfishing, recreational diving, durability: Micromask.
Though both carry a lot over overlap in abilities. You can also dive deep with a Micromask; like an Italian showed in the Bahama's: 99m
But With a Sphera it will be easier because it's much more forgiving. For instance I only equalise my Sphera to about 25m, after I've found that it isn't necessary to 65m I discovered.
You have to be much more careful with the sphera scratch sensitive plastic lenses.

Enjoy your choice :) , or buy both :D

Thanks for your Help.
I wrote that the Sphera is not a Divingmask for Deep Dives its a Swimmmask because she got Plastic Glasses.
Can there be a Problem to go deep with the Mask ?
I think the swimming mask refers to a mask without a 'nose'. Making it impossible to equalise, hence you cannot dive deep with it.

The Technisub (Sphera) has also a similar mask, one without a nose piece, called 'Seal'. A swim mask.

The sphera is perfect for deep freediving, and many records have been set with it. As recent as Martin Stepanek's WR Constant Weight: http://www.freelikenoother.com/ - see the video and photo's!

Another good tip if you feel uncertain about your choice is to meet up with some freedivers and try the masks before you buy it. Both masks are very popular, and some freedivers got both, using them in different situations.

Love, Courage and Water,

The problem with the sphera is it's frailty. A little sand and the lenses leak - and it seems nearly impossible to fix - even after taking the lenses out and removing all the sand its hit or miss whether the thing will ever seal again.

In that regard the micromask is definitely superior.

I prefer the sphera - mainly because it corrects my vision underwater - but they sure don't last.
If anyone wants a Micromask, I hate to direct people to leisurepro, but they have them for the ridiculous price of $65. They're under Aqualung. I almost wish I had waited, since I paid $110 for mine! :rcard
I have the original Technisub Marina - Which I purchased two of from a shop in South Africa. They're worth millions now!
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