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Ted's Wings Nemo Monofin Review - Ongoing

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tropical wuss
Sep 16, 2002
Ted's Wings Nemo Monofin Review

*I am not a representative of Performance Freediving or Waterway Fins. I paid full price for my monofin, and offer an impartial review.

Waterway Wings Nemo Monofin
Size 41-43
Stiffness: Soft (Long-distance)

After much research and equally as much hemmin and hawin, I finally put down some cash and made the leap to my first monofin. I purchased this fin through Performance Freediving - who, in turn, places their order with Waterway. During the course of the transaction, I threw continuous emails at Mandy-Rae (PFD) and Bogdan (WW). In short, they were great - answering emails promptly and thoroughly ever time. They were also sensitive to the fact that I needed it soon (3 weeks from time of order) because I was traveling to Bonaire. They got it to me in 2.5 weeks (US customs held it for 5 days - don't know why so long). Top notch guys!!

First inspection:

Some serious thought went into this fin. Jon, local monofin guru, quickly identified many features that stand out. First, the rails are not cut from the footpocket. Rather, they are extended and glued to the blade. Jon remarked that this is different that his Specialfins monos, and that it is this lack of attachment surface that he believes has been causing one of his older fins to seperate from the blade. This isn't to say that waterway makes a superior monofin, simply that it seems that manufacturers are learning and that monofin construction seems to be improving.

Other notable differences:

The thickness/stiffness of the Nemo fin is machined, like waterway bifins and Omer BAT fins. You can recognize this by viewing the bottom of the fin. Specialfins uses a tapering molded polymer, and, consequently, you don't have those patterns on the fin bottom. Because Specialfins molds the fin rather than machine it, they can create more angle to the footpocket. The Nemo fin appears to have about 33% less angle. Still, for those who have used Waterway Bifins, you know that the fins do have enough angle to make a significant difference when it comes to surface swimming.

As a long-time wearer of Sporasub Dessault pockets, I was please to see that the Nemo footpockets are very similar. I normally wear 40-42 Sporas, so I purchased the closest size in Nemos - 41-43. As expected, they are a little larger than the Sporas, and also a bit softer/stretchier (no complaints). For reference, I wear a size 8US shoe. The Sporas fit snuggly with a 3mm sock, and a bit tight with a 5mm. These Nemo pockets fit snuggly with a 5mm, but feel equally secure with a 3mm (albeit, they are easier to get into with the 3mm socks). Since I have yet to try the fin in the water, I'll have to get back to you regarding long-term use with the two different size socks.

Tomorrow, Jon and I hope to get in the pool. I will write more if we do. Otherwise, expect a full review upon my return from Bonaire around Christmas time. No doubt, I will have video footage as well.



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Reactions: ComputerBoy
It looks like a pretty nice fin.

It does have some angle to it. I used to own a WW LD #2 and that had NO angle to it. This fin does have some angle to it, as a result from being mounted into the NEMO footpockets. It just doesn't have as much of an angle as my SF monos.

There are other small details about the fin that I really liked. The fact that they don't just glue the footpockets onto the fin, but bolt the toe piece into place, like on a pair of bi-fins, and then cover up everything in rubber once they're done.

The footpockets are are softer, across the top, and even more comfortable than my Sporasubs, and WAY more comfortable than my OMER's. Since Sporasub isn't making interchangeable footpockets anymore I think that I will switch to these if I ever get another pair of bi-fins.

Ted mentioned about how they have rails, from the footpockets, running down the blade, and not cut off like on my SF's. I really liked this idea as that is where my blue, Colored, monofin has been falling apart. I sent it back to S.F. once to repair and I have since reglued it myself to keep it from breaking further. This is a temporary fix, but WW seems to have a better handle on this.

I can hardly wait to try it out. ;

Reactions: ComputerBoy
hey guys, what's been happening in wisconsin... I'm about due for another mono and am anxious to hear more.. my old waterway footpocket is weathered, cracking, and falling apart. I have to either replace it with a new mono or get radical on the repairs.
We're iced over here now... was about 0deg F. yesterday a.m. and I think similar this a.m.... nice. I'm in the pool twice a week now, at least that's a balmy 83deg.
Bonaire.... I should be there!
Later, Fred
Hey Fred,

We had really warm, as in the 60's!, weather here for about a week and then it all ended last night- temps in the low 20's not including the windchill. It's going to take a little getting used to- especailly after that super warm weather we had.

I bet you could get new footpockets from WW to put on your monofin. Wal mentioned that they make 3 different types (stiffnesses) and you might find something a bit more comfortable to put on it. I tried to put some FINIS footpockets on my mono, since I found them to be much more comfortable. In the end FINIS wouldn't sell them to me, only their full monofins, but Eric Fattah has mentioned that he has been able to buy footpockets right from FINIS in the past.

I wish I was going to Bonaire as well, but the kids will have to get a bit older before I can start travelig again.

I'm gonna have to get a pair of these things one of these days. And I can't imagaine a nicer place than Bonaire to break them in.

It's a balmy 27-33F here... but it's a dry 27-33F. :blackeye
Jon and I didn't get in the pool, so all y'all have to pause 2 weeks for me to get back. I'm off to suck salt. And unlike islandsands, this means that I'll be freediving in the ocean. .


Adios, schmucks.
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Reactions: Jon
I've returned. Here are the facts.

- It's an awesome fin, especially when you consider the modest price. Considering how poorly the dollar is right now, compared to the Euro, it makes the price all that much better. Hands down, this HAS to be the best bang-for-the-buck mono.

- It was pretty stable, considering I don't always kick so evenly. You can see the fin bend a bit when I don't kick strait, but it never folds.

- It is negatively buoyant, but less neg than my two bifins (combined). I think the foam wing might add a bit of float.

- It is very very very very comfortable. I wore it for hours with NO pain. Easily as comfy as my long-time, beloved Spora pockets. Since Spora has seen fit to do away with their fine footpockets (leaving me with no reason to ever search "sporasub" on eBay ever again), these NEMO footpockets will be the way to go. And if you are a barefoot diver, I dare say these will be even BETTER than the sporas.

- Sizing is one sock size larger than Spora pockets. I usually wear a 40-42 spora with a 3mm sock. I needed to use 5mm socks with the 41-43 size nemo pocket.

- Feet slip into the footpockets like butter, and stay put. The heal is firm - you can grip the edge of ONE footpocket and support the entire fin. But, near the ankel area, the rubber is stretchy, so you can give it a tug to allow your heal to slip in more easily. Since, I am still in "baby" mode, I didn't want to get a scratch on my new toy. I swam out to 2-3mm water - fin in tow - and put it on afloat. When putting on the first foot, you brace the footpocket against the free leg. Then, you reach around the back of your legs (think Peewee Herman dancing to "Tequila") and grab the top of the other footpockets, stretch it a bit, and allow the other foot to slip in.

- Bottom line. 100 foot dives used to take me 1.45-2.00. This new mono cut that time down to 1.20. And when I got to the surface I felt much better. Legs didn't have acid buildup, and lungs weren't burning. It took me a few days to feel out the fin and home in on proper technique. But, when it all started to click, the difference was night and day. I'm still more comfortable using bifins. But, this darn mono is so fun, that may change in the next year.

I've included a video. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a vid must be worth a million. The dive was to 100 feet, but vis was only good to 60-80, so I cut out the time when you couldn't see me.


Final thoughts. It will be interesting to see if the fin feels differnent in fresh water. I would like to try this same fin with medium stiffness.


**Edit** If you are having problems launching the video, right click and use the "save target/file as" option to save the video file to your harddrive.


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unirdna said:
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a vid must be worth a million. Ted

Is that in the devalued dollar? :t Nice video. Nice to have some viz, eh?
I can´t see or download your movie both in firefox and in internet explorer...
marginatus said:
I can´t see or download your movie both in firefox and in internet explorer...

it opened for me with real player in it's own little window.

it doesnt (i believe) open in the same window. it launches whatever media player you have designated as your primary one. if you have real player maybe switch it to that because it worked for me using that program.
I just ordered mine- thanks Santa!

Size: 44-45, so I can wear a 5mm sock with it during winter time.

Stiffness: Sprint #1, per Kirk's suggestion

After trying Ted's out in the pool I was pretty impressed with how it was put together, although it was a bit soft for me. They have extra reinforcements in the places where my Special Fins fell apart.

I hope to have it in time for the ice dive.

i have to ask....
Jon, how do you store all those fins and the rest of the stuff??? do you have a room for it?
In the last year I sold off a bunch of stuff I no longer used and tried to stick to the stuff I use on a regular basis.

I have a rack to hang my wetsuit jackets on and a set of shelves that I lay out the wetsuit pants to rest on- since all of my wet suits are high-waisted I can't hang them up like the jackets.

I also store the bi-fins on the same set of shelves.

Spearguns go above the work bench and monofins go on top of my floats- next to the scooter.

It really only takes up a small corner of the laundry room and stores much smaller than all the tech diving gear I used to own- think lots of tanks/doubles/lights/drysuit(s)/regulators and other gadgets.

The only extra room I need is in the garage for the kayaks.

It would be really nice to live some where warm so I could get away with only owning one wetsuit and pair of fins, but then I would have a dozen different spearguns like some other people I see post on here.

Sell your useless purple kayak, half your bifins, and most of your masks so you can come to Cayman. I'm gonna hit 40m and rub your nose in it.
How about if you drag your butt into the water with me on a regular basis so we can hit 40 meters right here- instead of spending the cash to flydown there.:martial

The lakes are wide open right now, the vis is great, the air temperatures are near record high, and there's places where we can hit that kind of depth without jumping on a plane. All that's missing is your, warm water, candy-ass to pull safety for me. rofl

BTW: I did sell off the purple surfski and almost ALL of my bi-fins, and the rest of them may go if I my next monofin can hold together for more than two years. :head

I need the other two dive kayaks are for surface support on my diver retrieval system so we can move beyond 40 meters safely- again, when you actually decide to put on your suit and dive locally. :t

It's true; your manhood is in question if you don't dive this time of year. Plus the visibility approaches the Caymans - though one must have greater sensitivity since the winter life forms are much more subtle than the gawdy display they have down there.

Thanks for the waterway fin review - by the way. I don't know why but I didn't check the price on them last time - very nice.
So I, finally, got my NEMO fin this week. I ordered the Sprint version, stiffest, in a 44-45. I can get a 5mm sock under it so I should be able to use it for this month's ice dive.

The foot pockets are made out of a softer rubber than either my OMER's or my Sporasub's. This makes it more comfortable for prolonged swims and is much easier to put on and take off. It reamins to be seen how well it will hold on with a 5mm sock at depth but I'm hoping it will be fine.

There is also a distinct lack of blade angle compared to my Special Fins monofins. This felt very strange for the first few laps I used it but then things started to "click" and I seemed to have cut one full kick off of my 25 meter lap count. When surface swimming with it, using a front mounted snorkel, I seemed to be able to cut two kicks off of my 25 meter kicking count. I'll need to spend some more time swimming with it to see if this continues to hold true.

There's no doubt in my mind that this fin will hold up to the abuse it sees in the pool better than my SF mono did. Since there is no angle to the blade I won't worry about pushing off the wall with it. It also has nicer reinforcement around the toe box of the footpocket- which is where my last fin ripped.

I'm not sure if it was the flatter fin blade, or the 2 hour yoga class I did the night before, but I certainly felt my ab's a lot more after my workout. I'm hoping that it was the fin so I can count that as my ab workout and skip sit-up's all together.rofl

So far I'm pleased but am a little bit concerned what will happen to my kick by switching back and forth between these two different types of fins.

It was also less than half the price of my Freediver carbon-fiber monofin.

It would be really nice to live some where warm so I could get away with only owning one wetsuit and pair of fins, but then I would have a dozen different spearguns like some other people I see post on here. Jon

Yeah, you and me both.

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