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Ted's Wings Nemo Monofin Review - Ongoing

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thanks MHF - I forgot to add the Tropol pocket material is not as prone to making blisters.

I've not tried nor seen the Leaderfins - but I've only heard good about their Hyper.

MHF - what size feet do you have - and what size Tropol did you order. (thinking of going a size down for my next one )
Monekyhatfork, have you ever had a finis competitor fin? I'm torn between the medium and hard stiffness because I want to go fast in the water and I feel like a harder blade will help me accomplish that. Thank you guys so much by the way, this is really helping
I'm definitely going with the medium blade, I'm going to be spending a long time in the water with it and I have a feeling the hard blade might make my feet cramp after a while. Do you have a video of you using your nemo in the water Fondueset?
The only videos I can find right now are old and with crap technique. I have one short one from when I finally started to get it - if I find it I'll post it.
yes I had a finis cpmptitor medium(my brother has it now) the blade is plenty fast, Gai- the fact that you can try the leaderfin makes all the difference--if it fits good and you like it buy it otherwise you are flipping a coin as to what will fit you, you can end up with allot of gear before finding the perfect fit, fonduset- I have 9.5 shoes us and have the size 3 I use barefoot is snug without any wiggle but not real tight I could sqeese in socks if needed I would think up to 10-10.5 feet could fit but would abviously be a tighter fit but I think the topol material is more forgiving any bigger and your heals might not fit in the heel support right
jknrby- your feet will not cramp in the nemo, it's the main + of that fin but a hard blade will burn out your muscles quicker in long sessions
Not only time but what kind of diving you are doing I you are in one area resting between dives or covering long distances surface swimming between dives, I've not been doing it lately but I had been doing a few hours-several mile constant surface swimming with the nemo soft no rest before work in the morning some fun dives at the end, on trips I spend all day in the water broken up by meals etc, but my day to day right now is a 1-2 hour pool session
jknrby - you are into a realm of questions now that you'll probably need to sort out for yourself. Endurance, muscle fatigue etc. are all subject.
Generally a soft fin is better for distance - a hard fin for depth and sprints.
I've done 6 hours in all of my fins.
Then the medium would be a better bet (just like you guys have been telling me haha) because I'll be spending much more than 2 hours in the water every other day. I'm going to get it right now!

Thank you guys so much, it really helped assure me
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