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Telegraph: Indian-style bass / RCGF Citrus Black Bream

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Mr. X

Forum Mentor
Staff member
Forum Mentor
Jul 14, 2005
Noticed bass in an article on Indian style cooking in the Sunday times recently. I was a little horrified -- being of the mind that good fish should be cooked quickly & simply (or perhaps eaten raw). However the recipe was more restrained that I expected & might appeal to others:
Recipes: Curry - the ultimate comfort food - Telegraph

Grilled with a drizzle of olive oil & herbs will remain my main stay though:). Re-watching River Cottage Gone Fishing in Guerney last night, I was particularly taken by the way Hugh prepared their first Black Bream, "cooking" slivers of it in lime, lemon & orange juice with a few gratings of chile. Yummo:p -- extremely healthy too.
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