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Tequila Grouper

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Halla Waaaaallllaaa
Aug 15, 2002
Went to publix today and got 5 pounds of grouper fillet. current the sucker is on the bbq. marinated with tequila and lime, also bought from publix. will post pictures later on tonight. my godparents and their kids are eating with me tonight :D
damn i miss home. i want a hamour :p so freaking bad!
i will post the recipe later on tonight. but its so easy...even i can do it :duh
ok sorry about that, but i totally forgot to take pics. i was too busy eating it :p
This sounds fantastic. I have heard that Grouper is a very popular Fresh Fish in Florida and I am very anxious to try it. Can you offer additional preparation suggestions?


mishu1984 said:
ok sorry about that, but i totally forgot to take pics. i was too busy eating it :p

Hey Mishu, don't worry about pics, just post the recipe pliz.

I've lots of tequila and lime. Grouper, mmhh, just waiting til N wind stop and go spear some.

errr ummm ok. there are two ways to do this:
1-the easy way, which is what i did.
2- the hard way, which i have no idea how to do.

easy way: go to the nearest publix, fish market etc, and buy a 1 pound or more of grouper fillet per person. then get the seasoning in the picture.
go home and marinate. you can also buy calamari for a side dish. remember to either buy a cocktail sauce or make your own. :p

if you want a full rich taste marinate the grouper for and hour plus and inject some of marinade into the fillets . you can also sprinkle it with some dry rosemary.
the grouper goes along great with some steamed veggies. :p
place it on the grill (very hot) for about 30 secs on each side so the outsides get very little golden.
remove from grill and wrap in foil with some marinade diluted with tequila (must be the regular tequila and not silver). place foil on the grill and cook till done.

the calamari just cut in rings and fry, or bread them and fry and dip in cocktail sauce as an entree :p

get beer, plenty of it. i like Corona with lime :friday

the hard way entails making the marinade yourself, im sure if you look in www.foodnetwork.com you can find something to help you out. if you want to "kick it up a notch" and yell "BAMM" like Emmeril, then you can also marinate the fillets with some paprika or anything else taht toots your horn. i like some Smack My Ass and Call Me sally hotsauce, or Tabasco. :blackeye


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mustangmermaid said:
This sounds fantastic. I have heard that Grouper is a very popular Fresh Fish in Florida and I am very anxious to try it. Can you offer additional preparation suggestions?


its popular in restaurants and for retail, but i think, and floridians please do correct me if im mistaken, that hogfish is a little more popular
Great. thanks so much for the suggestions and instructions. Is hogfish easily caught?

Thanks in advance


The wind is start'in to clear a bit and although it is cold I will see if I can't get a few hamour to cook up with your recipe (may have to do it the hard way since I do not reckon our local market has the stuff in your pic!) and take pictures :D Might have a chance since we are doing a shark dive/study (shamal) in about 25m... should see some grouper to take if we can get them out of the water before the sharks steal them.
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