Hey so I just bought my first spear gun, until now I've only used slings but every now and then I see a tasty fish that I just can't get close enough to, so I've taken the leap and bought an Undersee Terminator spear gun, I'm a total noob to spear guns so I thought I'd post some pictures on here and see if there's anything that needs to be addressed. My friend owns a spear gun and the thing he hooks into the spear to load it is like a thin piece of wire on his rubber, but on my rubber it has like a white rope, is that normal? why isn't it metal? and I know close to nothing about the operations of spear guns, like what I do with the string/wire that is attached to the spear in order to ensure it doesn't get tangled and stuff like that. Any useful information or advise would be greatly appreciated, now here are some pics of pretty much every part of my spear gun and I have very little idea about any of its purpose or how to use it (besides the safety, I understand that) and the trigger, but more info on how the trigger works would even be appreciated, I'd like to know this gun like the back of my hand.