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Testing max dry static

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New Member
Dec 20, 2013
I'm testing my max dry static breath hold as I type this first one contractions started at about 45 seconds and I held for 1:07, before holding I just breathe normally, nothing special. Second attempt I still breathed normally but before the hold I exhaled all air in my lungs then sucked in as much as possible, contractions started at 1:06 and I pushed hard and held for 2:00, had a bit longer rest while deciding to and actually starting to write this, then repeated my procedure for my second breath hold only this time the contractions started at 57 seconds and I held until 1:42, going to do two more breath holds... The fourth breath hold was brutal, contractions started at 1:02 and I had to push really hard and there was a little of inner mental dialogue to keep myself going but I made 2:08 and I've decided that'll do for the night. These breath holds were all done laying down in bed in a dark, quiet room, while pinching my nose because I don't trust myself. If anybody can give me any tips or information or possibly an idea on what times I should use for charts, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading and any information you provide me with :)
So, you breathe normally before your breathholds? I mean: just like you would be breathing (without thinking about "how" to breathe) when, let's say, watching tv, or doing the dishes, or... ? Let's consider another way of breathing.

You are already laying on a bed, relaxing, which is very good to start with.
Ok, so, since you are doing this in a safe environment (read: laying on your bed, and NOT in the water!), I'd consider doing do a breathe up:

-) With each breath, your exhale time should be twice the inhale time: if you breathe in for 3 seconds, breathe out for 6 seconds. Or 4 s (in), 8 s (out). Or 5s - 10s, you get the point. Just find your pace. (I prefer the 4-8 myself 3-6 is a bit fast for me)
-) Make your inhales deep by using belly-breathing: make your belly expand FIRST, and only then your chest. (That's a "two-section" breathing) - If you're not used to do this, it takes a bit of trying/training. But really try to do it like this!
-) Make your exhales not too brutal, let the air flow away naturally and don't try to overdo it in blowing/pushing the air out. (Except maybe for your very last exhale just before your last inhale for your breathhold)

Do this for about 2-3 minutes. Then, exhale ALL you can and inhale ALL you can (belly expands first, THEN chest!!!). This last inhale can be quite long (10 seconds or even more...?). And hold it... Relax. And keep relaxing!

Think of everything BUT holding your breath. Sing a song in your head. Listen to music, think pleasant memories. Think of beauty, ... really ANYTHING but holing your breath. Don't look at your watch, not even when contractions start. Try to relax your muscles between contractions.

After your breathhold: let your breath coming to a normal pace again (as you would breathe normally) - this may take some time, and so: take the time indeed: rest for 2 minutes. Then repeat the whole proces: breathe-up of 2-3 minutes... Do your breathhold... And again: 2 minutes rest, then another breathe up... breathhold... Repeating this will probably make your breathhold times increase.

AND VERY IMPORTANT: don't overdo yourself. If you are training alone: do NOT do it in the water. Just don't. Keep it dry. And make sure you can't fall - lay on the bed or something. You have to keep it safe!!!

I could also advise you to do static tables (O2 - CO2), but that was not your question, am I right? Your question was to test your max. breathhold. (Which you need to know for doing tables in the frist place)...

Hope someone with real knowledge about this (yes, I haven't even taken a course myself) chimes in to correct me where I'm wrong. I'm quite a beginner myself.
Reactions: abdessalam
Thank you for the reply and useful information I may have to retest today with a breath-up and as for tables I'm in need of a structured training program so that I can increase my bottom time when spearfishing so I should probably be looking more into the tables and how often to do them and all that stuff, thank you again for the positive response.
You're welcome!
As no one of the more advanced/pro freedivers has chimed in, I guess my advice is to be considered within safe boundaries - or they haven't seen my post yet.

Let us know how it goes and how you are experiencing the difference between the breathe up I gave and your natural breathing...
Reactions: SageOf6Paths
With the breathe up I reached a time of 3:08 which I was pretty amazed by, will using a breathe up for dry statics increase my ability in the water? I really don't push my limits in the water, so will training on land and then just doing my recreational spearfishing a couple times a week increase my breath hold under water? and is it safe to do a breathe up in the water while spearfishing? Because I'm trying to be as safe as possible while in the water because I acknowledge it's a very dangerous hobby.
This breath up is actually hyperventilation, it's OK to do it before static, but I would strongly advice not to do it before any other underwater activity, especially spearfishing. It can increase the risk of BO. The best breath up before dynamic, spearfishing and any type of diving involving physical activity is no breath up (just normal, automatic breathing). You should start a dive with normal CO2 level, it's much more save.
Excellent, thank you very much for that information, how would I go about increasing my dive time for spearfishing? or is that a whole different thread? Will dry static CO2 charts 4 times a week combined with about 2 spearfishing missions a week give me good results or is there more I should be doing? Thank you.
It will definitely help. In my case few months of training with CO2 tables increased my comfortable dive time during recreational freediving from 40-50 to 70-80s. Another thing to work on is relaxation, both before and during the dive.
Alright thank you very much, any relaxation techniques I should look into? because it's pretty cold here and I'm still waiting for my new wetsuit to arrive?
First of all you need to keep your body warm, it is very difficult to relax when you are cold. You have to develop your own technique of relaxation. The goal is to relax all your muscles completely and put your mind into a state similar to the one that occurs just before falling asleep.
Reactions: SageOf6Paths
MarcinB, thanks for the advice and info about the breathe up being hyperventilation... I figured it was ok to offer this type of breathe up as SageOf6Paths was asking to test his max. static... So, you really dive 70-80 s with just normal breathing before? Wow, I can only dream of that... Geeze...
Yes, but these are shallow (max 10m) and slow dives. I also have to wait several hours after the last meal, it makes a big difference. It's nothing special, most more experienced spearos and freedivers can easily do 2-minute dives.
So basically practice makes perfect, breathe normally, dive regularly, relax and do my CO2 charts and my bottom times will go up?
Exactly, just keep training for 2-3 months and you'll notice a difference.