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The curse of the comanche

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Gear Buying addict
Sep 3, 2005
I am having a real hard time with my comanche, i am starting to believe it has a mind of its own. I currently own a cressi comanche 60, i havent used it for a while and thought if i move it up to a 75 it will be really useful for the med or some shallower places in te red sea, so get a barrel, shaft and bands and voila (or so I thought), i got the barrel, the shaft and the bands. as i was dissassembling the 60 gun, i could not get the handle out, nothing was working, so in the middle of my efforts:martial it broke . I now had to order a new handle/trigger, then as i was assembling the bands, i found that the omer 18 bands dont fir the cressi muzzle :head , so now i have to order bands again. i think it would have been much cheaper if i had just ordered a new gun ( i would have also kept the 60).
lesson learnt, NEVER TRY AND KILL A COMANCHE, they have their ways of revenge
Reactions: Amphibious
oh by the way the handle is still in customs for the past 2 days, probably mistaken for a gun, so that comanche 75 might never see the light of day
You're probably right. It would have been cheaper to just buy a second gun, and then you'd have two guns. On the plus side, now you know all about how to take your gun apart and put it back together when something goes wrong.
If the Comanche is built like my Aspic, you have to 1) Push out the pin and remove the loading pad, then 2) remove the safety and lift out the entire trigger cartridge, and 3) insert a long scredriver throught the back of the top of the handle and unscrew the screw that compresses the rear barrel plug, which on the aspic is attached to the front of the handle housing. Hope this makes some sense and helps.
actually on the plus side, i will now have a spare muzzle and spare handle, i might embark on yet another assembly mission, maybe a 90 this time
OK its official, The customs have detained the handle thinking its a weapon and ordered that obtain some approvals which will never happen of course bye bye comanche!
That's incredible. Is there anything you can do against that?
And, curious: in which country do you live?
i live in egypt, maybe ill counter the curse with the curse of the pharos
I can just see it!! Fish wrapped in bandages flapping around Cairo customs office rofl
dont rub it any further pastor im already ticked off as it is
I assume you cant just buy a new gun and import it. wont they just impound that one too?
Have you tried a little baksheesh??( phoenetic attempt to spell it) It worked a treat during our suez canal transits.
You could always try useing the "force"
or my personal fav "the power of suggestion"
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