Francesca Koe,
A little background search pointed me to this board. Apparently you are an editor for deeperblue, according to the your bio on huffington post website.
Do you mind explaining to everyone this article that you wrote? Since the comment box was conveniently locked for your article, I figure posting it here would be the next best thing.
Francesca Koe: California's Newest State Parks Are in the Ocean
I noticed that you posted pictures of "today's trophy fish" using a picture of fish that aren't even from Southern California! :rcard
Please go spend your time wisely battling crooked politicians or corrupt oil companies. Please leave the simple things such as fishing for us to enjoy!
A little background search pointed me to this board. Apparently you are an editor for deeperblue, according to the your bio on huffington post website.
Do you mind explaining to everyone this article that you wrote? Since the comment box was conveniently locked for your article, I figure posting it here would be the next best thing.
Francesca Koe: California's Newest State Parks Are in the Ocean
I noticed that you posted pictures of "today's trophy fish" using a picture of fish that aren't even from Southern California! :rcard
Please go spend your time wisely battling crooked politicians or corrupt oil companies. Please leave the simple things such as fishing for us to enjoy!
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