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The return of the spiders

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CW = Crazy'n Wet
Oct 17, 2001
some have seen spiderman, but here in Britanny, it was Spider crab time! I've been freediving all winter with my girlfriend, bad vis, cold water, no prey... Last weekend, summer was back.

I stopped at the dive shop on my way to the sea, got myself a new pair of fins, JB Escalpez green. We then proceed to get to the beach, untie the kayak from the roof and hit the water. From the parking, i could see how clear the water was, this was looking to be a good dive. One hour left until high tide, that's good. Here in nortern britanny, we get as much as 12 meter (that's 40 feet lad!) tide. You have to watch for it cause you can get pulled away really fast with the changing current.

So we finally hit the water and proceed to the rocky point where i expect to find something for dinner. I was doing the motor (sitting in front) while my girlfriend was driving the kayak (sitting in the back seat). She managed to stay in the 90 degree angle from the target, those thing are hard to stear... for a girl :D.

When we got there, i dropped the anchor and myself shortly after. When i looked down, i saw the viz, 6-7 meter. I also saw the first Spider crab of the year. I took a couple of relaxed breath and went down 5m for the bug. I was about to come up with it when i saw another one, i switched my air on the reserve (read force it a little) and went for it. The day went by with a total of 17 bug in the bag, i release 6 of them for being too small. My girlfriend got sunburned in the face, that'll teach her to sleep in the kayak while i gather food. They made a nice meal, especially white the Muscadet (white wine).

:D :p
Originally posted by crazyfrenchmen
They made a nice meal, especially white the Muscadet (white wine).
:D :p

ps: SPIDERMAN ROCKS! i went yesterday. Awesome movie.
Erik Y.
Re: Re: The return of the spiders

Originally posted by Erik

ps: SPIDERMAN ROCKS! i went yesterday. Awesome movie.
Erik Y.

If we're lucky, we should get spidermen in France in 2 to 3 month. He'll speak french and will be called "l'homme araignée"... By then i dont think he will rock anymore. That's why i prefer to see spidercrab at 8m in the sea...:D
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