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The Worlds Top 10

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Aug 14, 2007
I have always wondered if $$$ or time (or wife and kids) were not an issue, what would be the top 10 destinations to go spearfishing- be it reef or bluewater or both.

What would it be for you

List them from 1 (best) to 10 (last of the best) and try to be as specific as possible as to the month of the year, as well as, the specific area (as an example...don't say "Florida", say "Florida Keys," or better yet "Florida Keys of which Marathon Key would be my choice in October")
If you don't have 10 then list how many come to mind any comments personal opinion are also welcome.
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I dont even know 10 destinations that would be good! How about naming your one favorite?
Even then I dont know where mine would be? I dont really fancy sharks that much so that rules out half the world.
I love the fishing we have in my own home, just wish that it was a bit warmer & a bit clearer. :confused:
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Thx Fox (can always count on a bro of the Darkside:martial), just edited. How 'bout if you get it started...
Foxfish we can take you seriously indeed. From what we read in your Guernsey reports, that's a real spearfishing wonderland: plenty of bass, flatfish, mullets and now even breams and amberjacks!
Here in Italy I don't have a single good spot to recommend any more: all the good spots are becoming so called "marine parks", where you can do everything from angling to trawling but no spearing. Shame on our politicians for this B.S..
Don't come to Italy if you're looking for spearfishing holidays: I must tell you this with my bleeding heart.
Here in Italy I don't have a single good spot to recommend any more: all the good spots are becoming so called "marine parks", where you can do everything from angling to trawling but no spearing. Shame on our politicians for this B.S..
Don't come to Italy if you're looking for spearfishing holidays: I must tell you this with my bleeding heart.
Hiya spaghetti,
Sorry to hear that, over in the US many changes have been implemented, steering towards the same outcome, slowly, but ever so surely:waterwork. What about the rest of Europe have you had an oppurtunity to visit some of these neighboring countries, I here Croatia (aside from having grt speros) is a good place to hunt...whats your take spaghetti:confused:

:waveC'mon guys, surely we all have a "wish list" of places we'd like to go, or places we'd like to go again- lets here them
Spearfishing in Norway is just great. Plenty of fish in places like Kristiansund or Bergen. Often amazing visibility, and you have an variety of things you can fish: plenty of pelagic species, but also ground-loving fishes like flatfish or anglerfish. That's a thrilling hunt, because all you need is a knife. Very funny to catch and extremely tasty are the abundant stonecrabs. In many places you can collected big scallops (The shells make a great present, too ;). The best thing about this destination is the friendliness of most people and fellow spearfishers.
I am going to add The Pinnacle near Ponta Mamoli, in southern Mozambique. It is a reef in 40 meters of water and some five kilometers out to sea, where the shark factor is as high as it gets. A lot of Zambezi’s(Bull) are there every year between November and April. It’s a classic blue water dive and all but innacessible but to a skilled few who would do well to be guided by a legend on that coastline, Barry Skinstad.
diving videos, dive books spearfishing movies
TY surfnspear, I've heard quite a bit about africa's coastline, it is most tempting, I have also heard quite a few "frightning" stories about piracy (not with cutlasses- AK47) any input???

:waveC'mon guys tell us about your country I got 4 weeks in 2008 and want to spend at least 2weeks in to different places...that will leave me with a memory of a lifetime.
You should of said that in the first place, I didnt realise you were going on holiday.
The Azores & the Cape Verdi Islands are places I have visited were spearfishing is fantastic.
We have members from the Azores but not sure about Cape Verdi?
When I was last in Sal (Cape Verdi) there were four South Africa spearos fishing at that time. They were manly catching Wahoo but also some huge Jacks & nice Tuna.
I've always fancied Hawaii. Other than that, anywhere with plenty of big bluefin, maybe the azores as thats where the current record for atlantic bluefin came from. I think the commercial fleets have almost wiped them out now though.
In summer I'd love to try Norway for big cod or pollack. Big pollack are my favourite fish here and Norway's where they grow biggest within freediving depths.
You should of said that in the first place, I didnt realise you were going on holiday...

My bro from the darkside, how could you not have known...is the force weakeningrofl

TY Surf & Fox- what are the best time of the year? any charters?
Well for me:

1 - Tuamotu (French Polynesia)
2 - Bali - Nusa Dua (Indonesia)
3 - Coral Sea (Australia)
4 - Azores - Santa Maria or Terceira islands (Portugal)
5 - Prince island or Ilheu das rolas (Saint Thomas & Prince)
6 - Sal Island (Cape Vert)
7 - Cape Town (South Africa)
8 - Mozambique
9 - Peru
10 - All the Pacific:martial

WHOA Marco :thankyouthankyou

this is what I was looking for- any charters offered in any of these areas? do you have any idea as to the best time of the year to plan a hunt???

Any other spearo's want to add to this list???

COME ON GUYS, lets make this the reference starting point for anyone else who is planning a spear trip of a lifetime:friday

CHARTERS (if any)

thx again Marco
Hi mates,

For charters and guides, i have these contacts, hope it helps!

Tuamotu (French Polynesia) - http://www2.webusine.com/servlets/w...ter-spearfishing.webusine.com/page/index.html

Bali - Nusa Dua (Indonesia) - http://www.balispearfishing.com/

Coral Sea (Australia) - http://www.extremespearfishing.com.au

Azores - Santa Maria or Terceira islands (Portugal) - http://www.paralelo37.pt/bwexpeditions/index.php

Prince island or Ilheu das rolas (Saint Thomas & Prince) - http://www.pestana.com/hotels/en/hotels/africa/SaoTomePrincipeHotels/Equador/Home/PestanaEquador.htm (contact the dive center of pestana equador in Ilhéu das rolas)

Sal Island (Cape Vert) - http://www.sal-aventuras.com/

Peru - http://www.peruadventure.com/

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