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therma pad

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Apr 6, 2004
Does anyone know were to find these. They are exactly what i was looking for. the only problem is i dont want to put my credit card online. Does anyone know were to get them. If you have ever hear anything i would love to hear about them.
Maybe you can fax them. Just e-mail them and ask them, maybe you can pay at the post office etc.
There is a company out of NJ that is distributing their own type of thermal pad.... I personally use them and they work great and they are reusable. Check them out:


Maverick USA Corp.
PO Box 600
Ridgefield NJ 07657

Phone: 201-947-6655
Fax: 201-947-6533

Email: info@maverickus.com


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I have the Maverick pads but they operate under the same principle as the thermopads. They advertize that they maintain temperature for 4 hrs. I have found that in the water, it is much less than that, about an hour. But during that hour, it makes a tremendous difference to me. Although I can still "feel" the cold, it is not a numbing cold anymore. Right now, the water temp here is 45 deg F on the surface and about 36 deg F at depth. Without the pads, I would only be able to make one or two drops before feeling numb, cold, and seriously uncomfortable. With the pads, I remain comfortable for the better part of an hour in the water. I personally think they work great....
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