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Thickest Shaft

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Will Dive for Food
Mar 4, 2003
(alright now)

What is the thickest shaft in production out there?
I believe there are some custom guns coming out of Cali with 1/2" shafts for extreme bluewater action....overkill if you ask me.
Originally posted by rigdvr
I believe there are some custom guns coming out of Cali with 1/2" shafts for extreme bluewater action....overkill if you ask me.

Definitely not production though... crazy guys.

Why don't they just go to rebar already? :hmm
7.9 mm stainless steel

Apologies for what is potentially a self serving product plug.

We are stocking our longer rail-guns with 7.9mm stainless steel shafts as standard. The reason we went with these is their increased strength avoids bending as spear length increases and improved stopping power. The feedback we have had on them has been extremely encouraging.

However, compaired to the big bluewater guns I have seen out here, these 7.9mm shafts would be considered light-weight by the local standards.

The other diameters we stock are 7.5mm and 7.0mm. FYI we are strength testing one of the RA 7 mm sprung steel shafts the old fashioned way, one of the divers here is conducting an experiment by seeing how many fish he can shoot with a single shaft, so far he has shot over 111 fish for a net weight of about 1,400 pounds ... and thinks it is still good for a few more.

If somebody has a 1/2 spear shaft, it's a one-off, but there are stock sized 7/16" shafts available. Thing is that they still need to be ground down to fit and Alexander or Riffe trigger mech.
RA & Rabitech


Is there any difference between the RA/Rabitech guns you sell at Sumora and say the ones sold at floridafreedivers and norcalfreedivers? Btw, nice website.
just wondering cingene, what you gonna do with thickest spear shaft????
Dear DiveFan: Thanks for your inquiry.

In terms of the Rabi-Techs, Florida Freedivers will no longer be supplying Rabi-Techs. We have the excusive North American Distributorship. Having said this there are a few minor differences in the RabiTechs Florida Freedivers used to supply and our current product line. Please email me, and I would be happy to send you more information on this, but these differences are minor.

In terms of RA's, the RA's we supply are almost identical to the Guns florida freedivers supply. However, Mike Dams at Florida Freedivers has a much wider selection, and their range is more extensive. They also offer a few accessories that we don't offer but this is a side issue. If I am perfectly honest with you, and I am a direct guy, another difference is the price. In some cases, we are more expensive at the moment. Unfortunately, we bought most of our stock with the weak dollar at its weakest, so our prices in some guns are higher. It is quite expensive to export into the US at the moment and we have set the prices about as low as we can to launch the product, while not starve. However, I don't know what they charge for shipping and taxes, with us the price you see is the price you pay. We don’t add a bunch of charges during checkout like some other dive stores do, because I think that is unethical.

We have a few things they don't offer, like (and remember I have a biased opinion) better diving bags, foam filled floats, etc. But these are not core to the guns.

So a related question is why did we choose to rebrand these guns when RA and Rabi-Tech already have very strong reputations in the market. At last count these two guns held 12 world records between them, and in Australia they are extremely popular owning a major chunk of that domestic market too. The major reason is that, our original vision for Sumora was to make our own railguns and accessories completely, and had our own gun designs that we wanted to bring to market. The problem, is unfortunately, it is insanely expensive to do so, and everybody in this community would he quite shocked about the costs of setting up a manufacturing operation. So we are generating cash flow at the moment as a result of our relationships with two solid spearfishing groups, we are going to start offering our own accessories over time, when we can afford to do so, and then will see where we are.

The RA/Rabi-tech companies are really decent people. Rob Allen pioneered the creation of dive gear in South Africa, and if you stop by Dive Factory and chat to him, he will give you hours of his time talking about guns and spears. As does Louis from Rabit-Tech. These guys really have a passion for what they are doing, and this emerges in their solid products and good reputations, and we are very pleased to be associated with them.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else?

Thanks very much for an excellent, honest, and detailed response.

It's a secret! :mute . Will have to post a picture IF and WHEN I get this thing together. If not more things for my junk pile.


Who sells that 7/16 shaft sir???
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