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Thieving dirtbags nicked my bike!

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Registered Cruiser
Sep 2, 2006
Thieving dirtbags nicked my bike! Please look at Photo.

As the title would suggest, on the night of 26th Jan from Porthtowan my bike was stolen.

It is a 2008 Saracen Mantra One.

It is grey with a white Truvativ stem (says truvativ on it), grey Deity bars with white Odi lock on grips and white de-stickered forks.

It's pretty distinctive with the white forks and stem so if you see anything like it on your travels, do me a favour and let me know.

Long shot but worth a post.

Cheers guys.


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I know how you feel Badlander, it's sickening. I had my Marin nicked a while back. It was locked with a shackle lock to a solid bar. When i returned the bar was obviously there but no bike. I remember my brain not quite accepting what had happened and looking around the corner to see if it was there! Crazy.

Good luck with the hunt...
That sucks. :rcard

I worked at a bike shop in college and we had these highschool kids come in one time with a bike that they needed a new chain for. We told them it was $50 and they about crapped their pants. The one guy I worked with mentioned to them that it was a Durace chain they needed and since the rest of the bike cost so much they shouldn't be so upset.

This kind of sent of a weird vibe and one of the mechanics wrote down the serial number before giving the bike back to them- we also got their license plate number. After looking trough the records it turned out the bike was purchased from the shop a year earlier. A short phone call to the owner, who had reported it stolen, and then to the cops and he had his bike back- minus the chain.

Hopefully someone can do the same for you.

Speaking of thieving bastards. I was swimming with my kids at the pool Monday afternoon and someone stole one of my good beach towels while we were swimming! The boldest part about it was that the towels were on the bench next to the pool when they did it- in plain site. Had I not been o intent on watching my kids i would have caught them red-handed. :martial

Sorry to hear that mate, thieving b******s, I hope they get caught and you get your bike back but the cops don't seem to want to prioritise 'mere theft'. Will you get any joy via insurance?
Not coverd under our house insurance and don't for one second think the police would care,not that i blame them.I've just tried to post the picture up on many cornwall related forums and facebook.If just one person sees it somwhere at least i'll have a rough location.I don't have the funds to replace it (what with the spear season just round the corner and a new dive suit to buy) so my only real option is to get it back myself.However,it must be said, i'm not really holding out much hope!
good luck getting it back mate. Hope you get the opportunity to 'have a word' with the darlings that helped themselves.
Reactions: fearthespear
Put a call into podge - I think we have found a use for that crazy harpoon he is enquiring about on DB. Little s***s should get a good wack in my opinion.
I'd send you this one that I found today, but I think it might need an overhaul.

They had a news story here a couple weeks ago about a guy who had his laptop stolen. It turns out it had GPS tracking built into it and the cops were able to drive right to the thief's house to get it back. I imagine in another 10 years we could have GPS beacons hidden in all of our stuff- in case they go walking off one day.

I'd b pretty hosed without a bike around here as it's my main form of transportation for 8-9 months out of the year.



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May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits Badlander.

We were down in S. Cornwall a few years ago and we all went down to the sea for about 15 minutes, having asked the respectable looking older lady next to us to please keep an eye on our towels, etc. (didn't leave any valuables). When we got back, the group our 4 young mothers (late teens/early 20s behind us) behind us had packed up and gone, taking their children and our rock pool net with them. The respectable older lady told us she saw them take it -- I guess I can't blame her for not getting involved. It was an inexpensive item, although one of those slightly nicer rectangle nets but you know how kids get attached to things. Just seemed such a trivial thing to take such an unpleasant action over - I wonder how they feel about themselves, doing such things? But then a guy got stabbed to death in front of his 3 year old daughter in London on Friday, on his way to visit his wife who had just given birth. Our society is in poor shape.

BTW It might be worth keeping an eye out on eBay, it may show up there. There are several listed currently, inc. one in Plymouth:
This one in Plymouth has white forks: [ame]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/saracen-mantra-2-almost-new-was-used-in-summer-only_W0QQitemZ250365316064QQihZ015QQcategoryZ33503QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem[/ame]
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goes to show you can take the ghetto out of PT........... will keep eyes open for, probably a mounthawke scrot.
It makes you want to leave your bike and sit behind a bush to have a quiet word with the 1st culprit that trys to wheel it away :martial.

I know it may not be a great help, but if you do replace it at anytime use the cycletowork scheme. You have to be a tax payer and pay NI. , but will get almost 50% off the price of a bike (ontop of any reduction / sale price). Basically they deduct it monthly. They make the saving by giving you a tax break. It is as cheap (cheaper?) than buying 2nd hand. Max cost of bike is £1000 (which you then pay about £600 for). Remember the bike can already be discounted and you still get the discount on the reduced price.

You pay interest free over 12 - 18 months. Hope that is of help to someone.
Wow, that's a hot tip Pav. Wouldn't work for me but it probably would for a lot of folk.

Re. the bike trap, what a great idea. The police should do that more. Come to think of it, I saw them do that with a bike with a tracking device on TV in Chicago. This youth from a nearby housing project was stealing bikes that people locked to a sturdy looking lampost/signpost outside a major building (the Sears Tower I think). But he knew that the post could just be lifted out of the ground & the lock slid off!! Anyway they filmed him doing this several times and then tracked him back to his appartment in a housing project (Robert Taylor Homes I think or possibly Cabrini Green). He jumped out of the window, quite high up to escape but injured himself (3rd floor?). I think it was just a TV crew rather than the police, so they managed to interview him. Apparently NY is the place for bike theft. The bike lock I bought in the US included $1000 insurance against loss when the lock is used EXCLUDING New York, apparently they have gangs there that specialise in stealing bikes. They freeze expensive locks with freon & then shatter them with a lump hammer.
There's a bit of sound advice for everyone - always take a picture of your gear just in case some light-fingered f**ker takes a fancy to your stuff. It doesn't take long and could be useful later on. I'm going to do it tomorrow before I forget.
I lost 4 surfboards, 3 wetsuits, 2 bodyboards and 3 waterskis (not all mine) when my garage got burgled in Portreath in 1994. Absolutely gutting.
Hope you get the bike back Badlander.
Unfortunately the cops don't prioritise simple theft. True that. No money in it for the city coffers. Much better to have hundreds of traffic cops and photo-radar units all over the place. Ridiculous.
Sorry about your bike
a couple of boards in separate incidents were taken from woolacombe over the easter break. 1 from roofrack, straps cut.. and the other from under a van as they slept.

Just reminds us to be careful re. kit., keep it out of display! If camping should be pretty easy to pass a cable lock through a lot of our spearo gear.
I've had stuff stolen while I've been out spearing - makes my blood boil!

I was out in Wales, literally the middle of no-where, it was raining, misty and my stuff was well hidden!

Seem like the chavs get everywhere these days!
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