I just wanted to warn you people about one significant oversight that in my opinion Julbo has done with a new Wave model of sunglasses. The part that goes above the ears, between the ears and the head is almost half a centimeter thick and cubical which makes them extremely uncomfortable to wear, especially if you have a cap on or any sort of head gear pressing them towards your head. I know that it´s my fault that I didn´t see this coming but I´ve had Julbo models before and I was too relaxed because they were all great. The lenses on this model are fantastic, they are photo sensitive, polarized and give a nice relaxing colour but unfortunately they make me crazy after an hour or so. As everything in this world this is my subjective opinion but think twice before wasting your money.
P.S. I apologize to webmasters if this is not a good theme for this topic, I couldn´t find a better one
P.S. I apologize to webmasters if this is not a good theme for this topic, I couldn´t find a better one