In reference to Skin's thread I would like to continue the discussion of the throat fluttering during descent because now I am experiencing it also and it is really disconcerting. I experienced it for as while this spring starting around 85 feet. The water was really cold, 38-40 degrees F. As the season progressed and the water got warmer, it went away and going to 100 feet (the quarry bottom) felt fine. Now we have started diving a new quarry that goes to 150 feet but is really cold and dark past 100. So far I have gotten to 112 and am slowly inching my way down. My question to those who have experienced the throat flutter phenomenon- what do you do when it happens? My throat starts to actually make involuntary squeeks that really wreck concentration, not to mention air supply. Can this be overcome with more packing? Right now i do not pack too heavily. Will it stop as I descend more? I try and keep my chin tucked against my chest to facilitate eq. as well as control the spasms. Personally I feel it is a byproduct of very cold 40 degree water and near residual volume in the lungs.