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Tides/swell/winds Plymouth

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New Member
Aug 20, 2012
Hi was just wondering Wat winds are best for locations around Plymouth the last two times I've been the vis has been poo!!!

Was also wondering if it's better to spear at low or high tide?

Many thanks Matt :):)
Cant really help with the wind as Plymouth is a bit out of my local patch, but less wind the better obviously.

In regards to tide, there are many opinions and theories on what is best. Have a search for it and im a sure a lot will come up, personally I think it depends on the site you are diving, one site I have is best at a really high (almost spring) tide at night when you get a load of bass and mullet. Another is good mid tide for bass and mullet. And then another is good at low tide for red mullet or flatty's.

So best to try at all states of the tide until you find what works for you, but that just my opinion.
Cheers for the advise mate I suppose it's just trying different spots to see what's best, where a bouts are you based?
For the majority of the year I am based at uni in Cardiff, but at the moment I am at home in Cornwall (Truro) and most if not all diving is in the south of Cornwall