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May 11, 2009
Hi all,
I'm looking for some good advice on when I should be using the tides. I always go diving around about the high tide point, read it in a book once I think. Anyway I know the tides and moon play big part in when the fish come in and when they feed but that is about the limit of my knowledge.
Just wondering if anyone out there would be happy to give me some help and advice. I'm kinda getting a bit tired of coming home with no fish again and again, starting to think my middle name might be Jonah.
It is possible to find fish at any state of tide however I never dive at high tide!
A very good place to find bass is in the string weed at low water, flatfish are best hunted at low water unless you can dive deep although flounder tend to move in with the tide more that plaice or sole.
Night diving can be productive over the high tide but it is more about finding where the fish will be that the actual state of tide, from my experience there are far more interesting opportunities over the low tide.
I rarely have the luxury of being able to plan my dives around the tide however at my local mark there are areas that can only be dived at high tide. For me its high tide turn right, low tide turn left!
Fish tend to feed harder when the tide is running and I'm more confident of catching mid tide than over slack water. Every mark works diferently and can even look diferent dependant on the state of tide. Just persevere and it'll all click into place and you'll be into the fish.
if you want to look into tidal speed and directions in your area you should look into tidal diamonds on admirality charts. they give the speed and direction in degrees if the tidal flow at a certain point on the map and can therefore be used to plan the safest times to dive ect. the charts are also useful for finding dive sites. Also swell charts can be used to determine wave height and wind direction and speed is pretty critical however im sure the guys on here will be able to give better advice.
Yeah i use MSW to see what the swell height, direction and speed is but if it says 2ft same intervals and direction all day then what point in the tide is the best chance for good visibility?
In simple terms the best viz will be usually found around high tide and the slack water either side of high tide, purely because there will be the most water and least movement.
In simple terms the best viz will be usually found around high tide and the slack water either side of high tide, purely because there will be the most water and least movement.

Now is there a difference between the two high tides? Because theres a low high and a high high.
We call them "springs" and "Neaps".
The spring tide has the greatest range and the neap the least so in theory the Neap or Low high to high low should have the best vis by virtue of the lowest movement of water. In practice you'd be hard pressed to notice the difference. Wind direction and strength has a much larger bearing on sea conditions and viz.

Great info thanks!
There's been some really good advice, just what I was after. Thanks everyone for the sound advice.
All I need now is the weather to sort its self out.
Sound info, cheers.