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Tiger Shark

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Eric Walker

New Member
Nov 2, 2003
Long story short. This tiger charged me and my friend Roberto Reyes ended shooting the shark in the head. Luckily he was there. The shark was about 10 solid feet and had an empty stomach. Big enough to swallow either one of us. Two more shots to the head and we attempted to boat it with no luck. Maybe around 500lbs? Really f#####g big though. Glad Roberto was there to help me out. Taken in the bluewater of St. Thomas US Virgin Islands. Eric


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I can only say two things here:
1- You are DAMN lucky for Roberto being there - these Tigers can get NASTY!
2- Amazing catch !!!!!!!! a shark that size is like a Porche SUV on steroids !!!!

Not easy landing a shark of that size - so taking into concideration the circumstances, well done !!!!!!!!!


AMAZING!! more of the story?

b@lls of steel mate, chapeau!
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incredible :hmm

you are lucky to have such a diving buddy
that was a fine line to walk...HOLY MOLY !!!! well done.

tell us more please

Crazy!!!!! Roberto is an amazing person to dive with. I had the best time with him in the deep blue of PR. He's no beginner when it comes to being in the water with sharks and he's quite a conservationist to boot, so if he felt it necessary to kill that shark than if I was you, I’d definitely be counting my lucky stars because more than likely you were about to be dinner!

I did save alot of the meat and have already eaten some. Just awesome tasting!!! To avoid me typing the story again I posted it on the spearboard site under the freedive section with the story heading of fat pig with stripes. I also gave alot of the meat away to some hungry people in the neighborhood. Selling it just did not seem right. I am lucky enough nothing actually did happen. Eric
Reactions: Erik and Alison

"Just awesome tasting!!!" Better to hear you say that than the shark! Seriously though, it's great you were able to put such a magnificent animal to use. I know it was a necessity to kill it but it still would have been a shame to just discard its body. I emailed a few friends the pics you posted, one of which is the new owner of Spearfishing Magazine - Tony Grogan. Tony asked me if I could get him the story w/pics for an article so I called Roberto earlier this morning and hooked those 2 up. You guys will be even more famous (or infamous) than you already are:>)

Take care and continue to dive safe!

Thanks Scott. Rob is a great guy and I really enjoy diving with him. No need to be famous here, just glad to be here to talk about it. And beleive me, we really did not want to have to kill it. We just did not want to find out the hard way wether or not we should have. Eric

I think Tony's going to do an article with several shark/spearo incidents in it so it won't just be you guys. I believe it's going to be slanted toward safety and what kind of things to expect (or not to expect) from sharks when confronted by them. It won't be a glory thing but rather an educational thing with the stories hopefully helping to protect both divers and sharks in future confrontations. It'll be good and yours and Roberto's contribution will be much appreciated. You’re right about not waiting until it's too late to find out whether or not the shark meant you serious harm. We had one freediver last summer get killed by a great white and of course there was the South African diver who just recently lost his life to a shark. The first encounter in CA the diver had no warning but in the South African incident the shark was scared off twice before attacking and killing on its 3rd attempt. It was eventually shot by the deceased diver’s friend but at that point it was too late. I don't advocate killing sharks but at some point it's time to realize it's either you or it and do what you must to survive. Not too long ago Terry Maas killed a big Tiger in Mexico in almost the same exact scenario that you guys went through. Luckily for me I've never had to shoot one yet. The only time I ever reached for the trigger with the full intention of pulling it, the shark turned before my finger could contract on the trigger. We then had time to get on the boat. I would hate to kill one but I would in a heartbeat if I felt it was necessary to save my own skin. Hell, I’d kill a human if it came down to him or me or my family. I think most of us would so definitely don’t feel bad about what you guys did.

We had a barracuda in the stringer, and it went to Eric, not the fish, from the time we saw it, until it was shot, I would say it was like 10-15 secods, she had eggs and had no food in his stomach.
Reactions: Erik

thats quite the shark! glad to hear the encounter turned out ok!
Geezus...I'd have the "potato in the back of the wetsuit" thing happening if I was there :waterwork
Great story Eric.
Also, a big welcome to 2 great hunters that are well known elsewhere: Eric W and Roberto R.
Erik Y.
Eric Walker said:
I did save alot of the meat and have already eaten some. Just awesome tasting!!!

hunter, hunted!! ironic...

Glad it did nt happened other way around.

By the way welcome ROBERT REYES.

One less sharkie to worry about!!!

Welcome aboard!!!!!

Hi Miles
I have a friend who is going there this week, is there a way you could tell him were are the best places to go diving.
You can email me at apneapre@hotmail.com

I like seen sharks, I just dont like to see their mouth wide open in front of me and the sun coming between their gills.
Roberto Reyes
Suddenly getting nervous about the big fin swim I have planned. Maybe I should bring the shark reppelant research forward. Any ideas for a solar powered / rechargeable battery sonic reppelant device, to look after me during a 1000 mile coastal swim along the Sea of Cortez . (the ones that last for four hours obviously no good) Manufacturers most welcome to answer this.
That's the second guy who attended a PFD Clinic I was at to shoot a shark (that I know of). Don Moore being the other. Hell if I'm going back in the water with these guys

But seriously, way to go Roberto - glad everybody's still around to talk about it.

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