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Tiger Shark

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Oh I don't know, I know Robert and I think he was just out there hunting tiger sharks for fun....He's got a wall in his den covered with hundreds of jaws. He was inspired by the movie Jaws or so I'm told rofl

Glad my good friend in Puerto Rico is still around to live another day and tell the story

ps- that looks like a Terry Maas tiger shark pose you poser!
Mark Laboccetta said:
ps- that looks like a Terry Maas tiger shark pose you poser!

yes i am sure that's what he was thinking at the time! rofl rofl
Actually, I was thinking in some like this:
with sharkattack.com , victims Gallery as a preview.


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ps- that looks like a Terry Maas tiger shark pose you poser! [/QUOTE]

Yeah I bet everyone would have been happier to see my leg or arm missing. I will remember to tell Rob not to shoot next time so that it is a much more gruesome photo. Sorry about the POSER shot. Maybe you would have preferred to be in my wetsuit that day. Eric

Eric, from the above posts its quite clear that Mark Labocetta knows Roberto and has simply made that statement in jest.

I'm pretty sure that EVERYBODY is happy that you were unharmed in the incident!!! I don't think ANY spearo would wish anything bad to happen on his fellow spearing brethren.

Sadly, these things happen. We how-ever will ALWAYS value a humans life above any other animals. That shark unfortunately messed with the wrong guys!!! :ko :ko

You have to admit though, it DOES make a good picture!!


ps. Roberto, that picture of the GW eating that diver is plain WRONG!!!! That sure is gonna give me some nightmares!!!
I don't mean any harm or insults by the comments above. I would not want to see anyone person harmed either. Eric
Roberto, a few more creative photo opp. ideas for your pictures. Personalized Business Cards with your new photos:

Idea A - "Come Fly With Us" - United Airlines
Idea B - "Steal my food and I'll stab you with my knife" - Shark Man
Idea C - Speedos and Sharks Are Forever

I couldn't resist -Mark

ps Eric: lighten up dude - it was a joke. I realize he didn't kill the Tiger for a photo op. or to post pictures on the internet for glory.
pps- Eric, on second thought sorry if you thought I was joking around with bad intentions. I know how a big shark encounter can shake you up.


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Hey Roberto

Glad you had your spy looking at the forum and informing your bodyguard Marco

They only posted the pics there and not the whole story.

The guys at bluworld are a nice lot, but you know italians,

toucha ma shark anna we smasha ya face rofl rofl rofl
Yes, I know Italians can't resist.
And of Course, my Good Friend Mark Laboccetta has counted all my Tiger shark jaws and knew exactly how many of them I have.
But Eric is not talking about Marks comments only, there are some people who just dont get it, we did not over feed it and then jumped in the water with it, she thought we were it.
Is it just me or are these run ins with Sharks and croc's getting more frequent!!!

Close shave and very impressive!!!!
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