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Tip of the day,

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Ok tip for today, if your night diving dont make a single sound. Even your fins cavitating on the surface will scare bass off.
One for the forgetful or like me just plain stupid :t . Make & keep a list of everything you need & use to go spearfishing , i mean everything , all the kit , guns , float etc but also stuff like towels , change for parking , spare car key for diving , fish box ect etc, i have shave written on mine ( so mask won't leak ). Just anything you can think of , then go though it before leaving the house , saves me many wasted hours/journeys :vangry so then :) .
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Reactions: Mr. X and Spiderman
Don't unload your gun until there is hardly enough water to swim in.
It's amazing how many fish seem to wait in the shallows near the barren bit of beach where you are about to get out just so that they can laugh at you.
Reactions: Jonny250
Devondave and Spiderman

Like the good lord you speaketh the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not if you have already cut little holes in your socks.
I used to make lists for multi-day climbing trips but these days I tend to use a visualization technique (quite the thing in climbing c. late 1980's). Before I lock the backdoor I quickly imagine myself in spearing gear & work down head-to-toe checking that I have each item of gear packed. It really does help but it's not perfect (e.g. you need drinking water, trunks, a towel & wetsuit lube as well as your wetsuit, gloves, weight belt, etc.). Routine & keeping it simple helps (esp. if its early & you're tired): I keep most of my hardware in a single large box & all my wetsuit stuff in a single large bag & add towel & trunks to that. My angling gear fits in a single small bag.

Things most often forgotten: frozen bait (for fishing/crab pot/chum), ice packs, ice box, wetsuit lube, flask, trunks, towel, drinking water.

Things most paranoid about forgetting: speargun, hat (on cold days), weight belt & gloves (so interesting to hear several forum members don't use gloves).
heres a tip.

never eat yellow snow.... especially when your buddies have holes in their socks
Reactions: Pastor
Haha, laughed my ass off.
Heres a tip for tomorrow as im going out, when doing your breath up exhale for twice as long as you inhale.
Mr x , i visualize my self being a stone lighter before climbing , it doesn't help i'm still crap . Will be in the Frankenjura being humilated by the local kids next week . Anyway a tip most people might know already, if hunting Bass don't shoot the first Mullet that comes along , you may spook the shy Bass waiting in the wings . Bit of a gamble though it could be the only fish all day , which makes this tip rubbish .
Always check the mono line ( if you use) that loops thru you spear shaft, it only takes a couple of seconds but can mean the difference between a good and bad dive.
Reactions: Mr. X
Feeling cold?

Find a diver with holes in his socks and keep close behind him.
Keep some of those empty loony juice cider plastic bottles and fill them with some expanding foam. Then every so often spend 20 minutes shooting at one of these bass sized targets. As a good friend once said to me "your chances of landing that fish will increase enormously if you can actually hit it".
Spend more time on the surface breathing up...even if you are on surface for 2min and bottom for 1min then you will have longer bottom time longer dive time as wont get fatige and alot less chance of blacking out.

Heres an expensive one but take a course with deeper blue and go in the sett tank.

this one is free....dnt crap in your wet suit even if you cut holes in your socks!
Reactions: Mr. X
Despite what we tell our better halves the biggest danger spearos face is not man eating sharks or giant killer octopus or even jet skiers ( may the fleas of a thousand camels infest their nether regions ) . You are most likely to hurt yourself slipping on that slimey green weed exposed on rocks at low tide :crutch, the worst thing to be wearing is neoprene socks ( with or without holes for leaking piss , yuk , who's idea was that ? ) . I wear a pair of lightweight sandals going into and out of the water , then just clip them to my float , Cressi made a nice pair that float with lots of grip on the soles , sadly they don't make them anymore .

Sainsburys do a pair for a fiver and they look sturdier then my £15 typhoons

My tip for the Day

Take magic seaweeds wind directions with a pinch of salt as they sometimes forget which is west and which is east Surf Reports, Surf Forecasts and Surfing Photos
Haha lol, thats true damn confusing wind!
I use a pair of scuba booties with hard soles, bargin from a car boot, cut the ankles off and split the top of foot section slightly. Work a treat on rocks and can go on my float without getting ruined. All for a pricely 50p.
Tip no. two.. really really really make sure you have got the tides right if diving around portland.

Tip no. three.. Dont know about jetskis, but speed boats and water skis really hurt and ruin your suit when they go over you.
Reactions: James T
Snip the gills of just killed fish and let them bleed out in the water , makes them taste better ! ( true ) .