I suppose I am beginner, I certainly feel like one. I started spearfishing last year . I had a couple of months before it got to cold and I went off travelling . I started again this year in early May. Last year I managed to catch 4 or 5 Pollock . I also shot a couple of Wrasse without realizing that I wasn't supposed to , I feel bad about that and think I could have researched a bit before I started. This year, so far , I have caught 3 good sized flounder . I have seen plenty of Pollock but I seem to keep missing the buggers. What I really want to set my sights on now, are some Bass. I was just wondering , there is a lot of information out there but is there in your opinion , a best time and place to catch the Bass? I am under the impression that the best time is low tide coming in , about an hour or two before high tide and an hour at slack tide. Also , as far as place goes, I have been scouting kelp forest and stringweed forests. I live in Falmouth, Cornwall , so I have easy access to beaches . There are some sandy beaches which leadon to rocky reefs and kelp forests . I would have thought these would be good places . I realized I was going to far out , and have since come back in to about 2 metres . Am I doing this right? Also I think I saw a bass the other day but I am not entirely sure , whatever it was it was certainly very large and was not a Pollock or a wrasse. Any help or advice would be most appreciated . Thanks