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Titanium wetsuit

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looking for deeper water
Jan 26, 2002

Can someone help me wetsuits are the part of gear I know stuff all about so in the next month I will be getting one. I dont know what things like lined, unlined, closed cell, open cell, smooth skin etc mean. The suit that has taken my interest is the 3mm Omer titanium it seems to be what I want its cheap has a hood and supposedly smooth skin on the inside whatever that means and it also has some sort of titanium in the rubber which sounds good also.

In another post Andrsn was saying something about a Omer superstretch or something. Could you tell me what that is is it better than the titanium.

Also should I be getting a 3mm or 5mm maybe a 7mm would be better during winter. Water temp in winter gets down to a chilly 24 degrees celcius so maybe a 7mm would be good for that temp.

Someone please help cos as you can see I purely going by advertising cos I dont know anything the Omer titanium looks good so has my vote so far.


Lined = Closed Cell
Unlined = Open Cell

Open cell wetsuits are different from the closed cell ones in that they don't have the cotton/nylon lining on the inside... if you rub your hand over the inside of an open cell wetsuit, it'll stick (because it's straight neoprene), wheres rubbing a lined wetsuit won't. Open cell are warmer than the closed cell because they stick to you and hold the water in better. Having a smooth skin on the outside is like being unlined on the outside... a bit less skin friction drag, but it tears real easy.
Titanium wetsuits have a coating of some titatnium based substance on the raw neoprene (instead of the cotton lining) and are open cell. They're supposed to be pretty warm, but I can't back that up from personal experience, just ates who use them.
For the waters you dive mate, you'd die in a 7mm Something like the new Cressi 3.5mm open cell in bluewater cam would go really well on the Ribbons... Just for reference, the warmest the water in JB gets is around the 24 mark (once in a blue moon), minimum of 14-15 degrees celcius, and I dive all year round with a 2 piece 3mm wetsuit - it does get a little cold and a little numb in winter though

Wow thanks Brad I think ive got it. Is that why people use shampoo and stuff to get them on cos the open cell sticks to the skin. The Cressi 3.5mm is much more expensive then the omer titanium so I wonder how much warmer it is. Im not really into Camo as I hunt pelagics my beliefs are that I stay still in the water with a normal black suit the Fish will come to check out this weirdo as opposed to trying to hide yourself in the water body posture is everything when waiting for that Jobfish to come closer as Abri.

So the omer titanium is open cell on the inside ie hard to put on but warm, and on the outside there closed cell so they wont rip when lying on the reef. That sounds like the ticket warm on the inside tuff on the outside match that with a hood and good price and im laughing at least until that mongrel Tiger comes past :naughty

Yeah.. down here a bit closer to antarctica, there's another reason for wearing cam... makes you look less like a seal to any passing sharks
Actually, speaking of tigers, I planned a night freedive down here in a few days, and at the spot we wanted to go, some guy hooked a huge tiger or something tonight
On the subject of Neoprene. My buddy who used to sell Dupont products like lycra and all those fancy Dupont stuff once told me alot about neoprene. Since I hate neo, I could not remember it. Let me ask him about it, there is a great deal of info he knows, I mean the technical part..why and what...this and that. He mentioned about Yamamoto neo being one of the world best. Will get back to you boys in a few days. Me got Marlin to shoot... this Saturday........YEAH !!! Maybe in another 3 life time...wha ha ha ha
Good stuff Iya, good luck with the marln

By the way, I saw on TV once before they've got this latex paint right.. you give yourself a few coats and you've got peel off clothes... wonder if they could make neoprene paint? A peel off wetsuit would be sweet
Originally posted by Iyadiver
Me got Marlin to shoot... this Saturday........YEAH !!! Maybe in another 3 life time...wha ha ha ha

All the wishes may become real. You just have to know how convince the god. Don't forget to say magical word "please"

Iya recently my mate got withing 30ft of a Striped marlin estimated at 100kgs on the outer reef last time we were out there I didnt see it :duh

Maybe you can spear one for him eh make sure you shoot him through the gills so the spear pulls his gill plates back so he cant breath properly. This is what Abri tells me about Marlin

Hi Ivan,

I bought an omer 3mm Titanium(top only) for Hawaii and used it for training and competition. They are a great wetsuit and probably best value for money. In Sydney they sell a complete suit for about $380, which is a bargain. The 3mm is very stretchy, the titanium lining is easier to get on compared to open cell(and warmer). It slips on easily when wet. Or you can use a bit of soapy water if you want to stay warm/dry before you get in the water.

I used the 3mm in 28 degree water and it was quite warm. If you are worried about getting cold you could go with a 5mm top and 3mm pants. That way you don't need quite as much weight. I find my legs don't get cold easily since you are generating heat by kicking with your fins. I think you can get away with a 3mm, and mate 24 degrees is warm ?!!!
The warmest I dive in over here is 21 degrees max, I'm happy when it's at least 18 degrees. :duh
I use a 5mm most of the time.

So yeh, highly recommend the Omer Titanium. But don't forget the most important thing is fit. A good fitting wetsuit will be warmer since it won't let water in.

Reactions: ivan

Hey I never thought you check these hunting forums Wal. Youve made my mind I just have to pay the Rego on my car then I will get it. Ive checked the sizing on the Adrenaline website and there seems to be a problem. Im 180cm and 65kgs so I fit in one category with the height but a different one for the weight what do ya do in that situation.

18degrees I wouldnt even get in, during winter with the 24 degree water it takes a LOT of motivation to jump in usually I need to see a fish jump or something so I can jump in that cold water without feeling it. The only water I classify as warm was last years summer even for me the 33 degree water was just perfect

Is it better to get a tight fitting wetsuit so that water cant get in.

Hey Andrew,
in 24C you should be just fine for a few hours in an OMER 3mm Ti.
If you want to stay longer and find you are getting cold, then throw a 3 or 5mm vest over top.
In cold water I use a Ti 5mm suit when it's below 20C, then add a 3mm Henderson vest when its below 12C. This is a good combo for those temps, so you will be fine with a 3mm and maybe a vest. I know that some of you spearos like to spend 4 to 6 hours in the water, and you may get cold in a 3mm after that amount of time.
A 7mm is definitely overkill, plus you would need a whack of lead to get you neutral, which means a sore back after a few hours (for me anyway).
Iya; good luck this weekend- sorry I can't join you.....watch out for the choklat tuna
Erik Y.
Untuk Iyadiver

Hati-hati kawan; aku sedih sekali jika kamu jadi sakit! Kamu tahu yang aku pikir SCUBA tidak bagus, ya? mungkin kamu selesai merokok...alcohol ok, tapi clove cigarettes: kamu mati.
Dan cari wanita cantik dan manis, tapi hati2 juga....mungkin sakit atua mati, benar?!!
Selamat ikut,
Erik Y.

Thanks Erik i think my suggestion for a 7mm might be a bit outa shape. I never thought about the bouyancy thing so in that case I will get a 3mm cos I dont want to be fighting to get down I like to dive fairly heavy GET THERE FAST. I have a 1.5mm suit also so if its really cold I will put that on underneath which would give me 4.5mm. With my current suit a 3mm steamer or surfing suit I use 6lbs of weight and on the surface I usually have to kick or be moving to stay afloat this suit suck big time it has zips on the legs arms and back its to big around my chest and water leaks around all day. Any spearfishing suit will be an upgrade.


I have the same problem as you as far as getting sizes to fit me. I'm about 190cm and 80 kilos. (I was down to 75k's in hawaii ??)
You are better off getting a wetsuit top to fit your torso, even if it means the arms might be a tad shorter. If it is even slightly loose around your waist or it will let water in and the westuit will be useless.

In a picasso suit I go for a size smaller in the top ie a Large (56) and an Extra Large pants (58) for the length. The pants aren't as critical to get a good seal to keep the water out.

The Omer top I have is a 4, and it is slightly too big. Whilst I recomend the Omer, it is only worth it if it fits. So try on a few different brands, the best fitting suit will be the warmest......

You may be able to get someone to make alterations on a suit if you can't get a good fit.


So I can get 2 different sizes for both top and bottom maybe I will get a smaller top like you said so it sucks to my body I will be getting it from Adrenaline so I will ring them and see what they can do.

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