Got the itch to get in the water... walked down the road and jumped in.
Worked a few docks and all of a sudden this large shape appears to my left.
I didn't have all the bands on the gun pulled as I usually shoot smaller fish.
Put the spear into him and he rolled one time tearing off. I reloaded and Lo' and Behold he swims past me again! (Later inspection showed he was mortally wounded from the 1st shot)
2nd shot spear passes through and I get a nice couple minute's fun being pulled around.
Worked a few docks and all of a sudden this large shape appears to my left.
I didn't have all the bands on the gun pulled as I usually shoot smaller fish.
Put the spear into him and he rolled one time tearing off. I reloaded and Lo' and Behold he swims past me again! (Later inspection showed he was mortally wounded from the 1st shot)
2nd shot spear passes through and I get a nice couple minute's fun being pulled around.
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