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For Sale Torelli Carbon Fins / Speargun, and Hard Float (USA)

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Located in Missouri, USA. Prices in USD. Can ship to anywhere in USA, pickup is also fine.
I'm moving country end of year, and do not want to ship all my large gear with me due to increasing costs.

Most of this gear is described (or similar) on: https://torelli.com.au except the speargun which is a custom mix of older Torelli and Picasso.

Here I have for sale:
Torelli Carbon fiber fins (hardest) 44-45 (X-Large) I'm size 10.5 foot and wear 3-5mm thick socks in them. $300
Torelli hard foam float with reflective cover and flag $50
Torelli Carbon fiber "Taipan" 110cm/1.1m speargun barrel with Picasso screw Asegai muzzle (loop cut), with a Picasso green handle side release handle. $250
I will include one new set of powerbands with it, and used but in decent condition ones. I also will throw in a spare muzzle bungee which is new.



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