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Toy speargun?!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Ross H

New Member
Aug 2, 2005
Hey All,

Saw this funny little thing on ebay, anyone seen one/used one before?


Considering the power in my 17mm band i just cant imagine that this could accelerate a shaft quick enough or to high enough velocity to do much damage.

Any ideas? Nice and simple though!

Lack of power is no problem when hunting flatfish.. Not that you would need any power for them anyhow, polespear or even just a knife would do.
Looks like a toy anyhow.

Can't believe some muppet has bid £21 for it!!!!!!! (plus another £5 for postage!). :duh Re-affirms by belief that e-bay is a great way to pay too much for stuff...
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