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Training Buddies in Panagsama Beach / Moalboal / Philippines

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Feb 15, 2012
Hi Everybody,

So, the holiday training session has started sooner than expected:).
Panagsama beach is really a perfect place for freediving and i plan to stay here for the next 2 months. Nice environment, nice people, nice marine life and great depth close to the shore.

This week i went back on CO2 tables and diving despite i am still dragging a little cold. I made a few dives with two other experienced freedivers (-40 or +). On Saturday Yvette is coming for a week long and by the end of the month, Harry is going to join for ten days.
As we have two freediving buoys available here, the number of divers should not be an issue so everybody is welcome. However, if you are a beginner, i would recommend you to follow a proper course(s) in one the freediving centers here before joining us. Being abble to do safety is way better...
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