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Training suit - swimming/finswimming/dynamic

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Process Oriented
Sep 29, 2005
I think I need a some sort of suit for training - my pool sessions include swimming, finswimming and some dymanic. With pool temps. in the low 20c's (low 70f's), I gradually get chilly, and it ruins the fun and has bad impact on motivation.

With swimming involved, I need good flexibility for the arms. A relatively thin suit would have less impact on bouyancy. I'm not sure what sort of configuration would be best (1-2 parts, longjohn only, shortie ...). I've heard something about triathlon suits - does anyone have any experience with them? Please share your thoughts!
:) Ofer
Hi Ofer,

For swim training or fin swimming in 70 degree water, you don't need much suit, probably a 3 mil sleeveless with short pants would be fine. When you start doing dynamics with several minutes of inactivity between dynamics, it requires much more suit. My guess is a 3/2 surfer suit, long pants and arms, would do it. The problem is flexibility in the shoulders. I have a 3/2 with "superstretch" rubber in the shoulders. Its ok for body surfing, but still creates a lot more work for the shoulders. I've not tried it in the pool, but it sure would build your upper body strength. Don't know anything about triathalon suits, but they might be more flexible in the shoulders.

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