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Aug 3, 2006

I'm curious to know what training you guys and gals do to keep fit and improve your bottom time.

I find a bit of running and kayaking makes a big difference but was hoping to broaden my training as both become a bit hard to do as winter closes in
I can't run for toffee my knees give me jip after 100 yards but I spend about an hour a day doing either cardio vascular training on either an exercise bike or an elliptical cross trainer, or strength training with weights. I have modified Tanya Streeter's schedule to suit my lesser needs (or in other words I'm too unfit to do her version rofl)
Man I see what you mean, that is one hell of a training regime.

Ive thought about swimming but the local pool gets crowded the times im able to go and it's mayhem:martial
Early in the season i do 3 co2 tables a week along with a bit of Apnea walking. Make sure you do Apnea walking somewhere soft encase you BO, hit the floor hard and you could have a accident.
Any form of cardiovascular training is also good.

Tables can become very boring after a while but they do help improve static times.
I downloaded a Freediving table software that has co2 and 02 tables which is good to use while on the computer.
I try to keep diving as long as possible. Normally I manage to December but due to sea conditions I get less days of diving in winter. I'm suffering diving withdrawals at the moment.
In January and February I do some gentle jogging over the fields each day with my dogs. This does nothing for bottom time but helps generally to keep me a bit fit without too much pain. I only do a mile or two as I'm in my 50's and my knees aren't great.
By March I'm wanting to be in the water again.
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