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Tried a rock tip today on my polespear

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New Member
Oct 4, 2006
Well i tired a rocktip on my polespear today. I had a hell of a time hitting the blue rockfish with it. These fish where all about 15" and where swimming at about 20' of water where the bottom was 35' deep. Man i just missed so many times. And when i did connect i blew a huge hole in the fish. A couple of times the fish went up the shaft of my polespear. lol (I sharpened the tip)
Getting very fustrated i spotted a lingcod about 15lbs and being a much eaiser target i nailed him with that rocktip. It went through the fish and the wings opened up on the tip and the fish couldnt come off.
So i am going to make a pouch and tie it around my waist and keep a couple of different size rocktips in it. When i come accross a big lingcod i am going to unscrew my 3 prong and then screw on a rocktip. If this works i will leave my speargun at home.
What exactly is a "rock tip"? I just bought a polespear with a three prong tip but I was wondering what a rock tip is and where to buy one? Also what length polespear do you have and what size band? Thanks.
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I am using a 6' polespear. If your three prong doesnt have barbs on it get one with barbs or you will loose a lot of fish. The rocktip is jsut like a speargun tip. You can get one that has a cable attached and which sperates from the bottom half of the tip to make it easier to fight big fish. For small fish up to abuot 5 lbs or so the 3 prong works the best in my limited experence with the rock tip.
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