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Trip to DEMA 2011...Want to join the DB crew?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Stephan Whelan

Papa Smurf
Staff member
Jan 7, 1999
How would you like to come to the worlds largest diving trade show? How would you like to spend a few days in Orlando ? How would you like to hang out with a bunch of your DeeperBlue.com friends and colleagues?

Well - now is your chance. We're looking for recruits to help out at this years Diving Equipment & Marketing Association (DEMA) Show 2010 in Orlando, FL.

These events are FUN! You can read some of our previous threads on DEMA 2007, DEMA 2006, DEMA 2005 and a group photo from 2003 as well as our extensive overage of the show over the years in the Special Feature Section.

Helpers are need for our usual on-site reporting in conjunction with DEMA and their PR company as well as manning the booth we have. Usually entails walking the show floor - meeting a lot of people, filing 3 or 4 news items a day. People get tons of time to themselves and there are plenty of parties to attend if that's your thing.

This year we're going to be in Orlando. Details below:

Show Details
Dates: November 2 - November 5 2011
Location: North Hall, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL, (USA)

As always you get a load of benefits from DB for coming along:
  • all entry costs will be paid for
  • staff drinks most nights
  • staff dinner one evening (normally a riot as people know!)
  • DB staff polo shirt, shirt and possible a swanky new jacket
  • other DB goodies
  • lots of other diving goodies from around the show
  • media passes
  • the opportunity to network with top people in the Diving industry and your fellow colleagues at DeeperBlue.com
This is the industry show to be at and well worth people attending.

If you are interested drop me an email at stephan.whelan@deeperblue.com or a Private Message and we'll add your name to the list.
Like I mentioned last year mate, add a flight in there and I am all yours!! =)
Seriously good luck with it, it looks like a blast!!
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Hahaha damn, was hoping for a magical complimentary ticket! :D

Is accommodation not included in the package?
This year no - costs keep rising for us and it was sucking up nearly 80% of our available budget. However what tends to happen is that once the team is finalised people split of into 2's or 3's and share rooms.
Oh ok. What about visas and stuff? Seeing as this is less than 2 months away it might be difficult to get a visa so quickly!
Ah - hadn't thought of that as most volunteers are usually from countries with a Visa Waiver programme with the US. If interested i'm happy in helping to move Visa applications along where possible.
Hi, I might be able to attend the DEMA show, pay my own flight & hotel - but would like to know how much time do I have to commit to give the deeper blue site? I just don't want to take on something which I won't be able to finish given other things in my life. So, let me know when possible. thanks. - J

Everyone who comes is a volunteer. As volunteers we ask only what you can give. Normally this equates to a minimum of 2 hours a day for the duration of the show but some people give more and some less - totally up to you as a volunteer :)
Hey everyone - it's a couple of weeks to go. We are still looking for helpers if people are interested!
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