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trip to northern Spain

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New Member
Jul 26, 2006
Has anyone any experiences of spearfishing along the coast of N Spain in September? I'm taking the Santander Ferry and will be travelling aalong the coast to the west for up to 100 miles. What will the fishing be like and what are the best places to try?
I lived in San Sebastian for 1 year and the fishing there is excellent. There used to be 2 good shops to buy equipment in too. The best area I found was under the 'Jesus' mount, if you go there you'll know what I mean. I caught bream, mullet, bass and cuttlefish there. Conditions very similar to southwest UK. You'll need 3-5mm suit and a 75cm plus 90cm gun. There are many talented local spearos but conditions are much 'fishier' than the mediterranean.
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