Do any companies have any demo fins for customers to try out before buying? For example, everybody says that carbon fins are so good that once somebody tries out, they will never go back. Seems like a fool proof way to gain business but I don't think anybody's demoing or renting these out. We're also supposed to make sure the fins fit us well and work well...
Over at it says...
I'd like to find somebody with a closet full of fins that they no longer use around here in San Diego, CA. I'd like to upgrade from my plastic Cressi Rondis but don't want to buy fins that I won't like or want to use.
Anybody out there?
Or any angles/tips on getting demo fins from stores or companies before buying?
Over at it says...
No matter what recommendations you get, you'll have to get a pair of the fins and try them for half a dozen dives. You just can't tell what will work for you until you try them over a period of time. If they don't work as well as you'd like, then you have to try another pair for a period of time. The process is expensive and usually leads to a closet full of gear that you no longer use.
I'd like to find somebody with a closet full of fins that they no longer use around here in San Diego, CA. I'd like to upgrade from my plastic Cressi Rondis but don't want to buy fins that I won't like or want to use.
Anybody out there?

Or any angles/tips on getting demo fins from stores or companies before buying?