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Turkey's and blenders.....

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New Member
Nov 2, 2005
Ahh the holidays are fast approaching, I am reminded in my reminiscense of last Turkey day when we gathered a few "spearo's" before dinner with the usual talk of bands and guns and fish shots that were way over boasted, before long the speargun's came out fo the garage, ....it was "supposed" to be a funny picture of a loaded speargun being pointed at a turkey fresh from the oven.....all paths to hell are paved with good intentions !

As it were, the speargun did in fact go off (planned im sure) as it penetrated the roasted turkey like a yellowtail it didnt even slow down ! No way.. it went through the damned bird and shattered the blender !

The women were pissed and of course we were quite proud of ourselves at the "stoned turkey shot", grunting like cavemen and hootin and hollerin !

Ahhhh the holidays.....what will this years shenanigans bring, hard to tell, but it will be hilarious ! (of course danger makes it all the more fun!)

Happy Holidays Spearo's !

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