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Turtle Conservation Volunteering on Zanzibar Island

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Jan 19, 2001
Turtle Conservation Volunteering on Zanzibar Island

Location: Nungwi, Zanzibar, Tanzania
Organization: Global Vision International (GVI)
Start date: April 15, 2009
Sex: All are welcome
Language(s): English
Last updated: April 20, 2009
End date: April 15, 2011
Age: Adults (18-64)
Area of Focus: Community Service and Volunteering, Environment and Ecology, Wildlife and Animal Welfare

As a volunteer on this project you will live in the village of Nungwi at the northern tip of Unguja Island, where traditional Swahili coastal life persists alongside one of Zanzibar's most popular tourist destinations. Both traditional fishing and modern tourism development threaten the globally endangered turtle species found here. Your work will be hands-on alongside local villagers in caring for rescued turtles and hatchlings that are being given a head-start in survival at the community-run Mnarani Marine Turtle Conservation Pond. Daily duties will include feeding the resident turtles, maintaining facilities and guiding visitors, whilst you may also participate in local beach cleans, education programs, turtle nest protection and releases. A unique way to aid community-conservation, live the Swahili lifestyle and enjoy one of East Africa's most stunning locations.

How this program makes a difference:

Sea turtles are globally endangered, declining in the face of coastal development, pollution, fishing and hunting. This community-based project rescues turtles brought in by fishermen, and you will assist in their care in a large natural tidal pool for subsequent release. Paying visitors support the group to maintain facilities and enable education of local fishermen and school children, protecting nests and cleaning the beaches of debris that obstructs nesting females and reduces hatchling survival rates. Where possible you will assist in the safeguarding of turtle nests, and the relocation and eventual release of hatchlings to maximize survival rates during their critical first year. With additional support the group aims to expand their center, improving facilities, and hope to initiate their own tagging program to contribute to scientific understanding of Western Indian Ocean turtle populations.


- Learn about sea turtles and assist their conservation
- Make new friends in the community, learn Kiswahili, and teach them new skills
- Educate visitors and school children on turtle conservation
- Join the local youth for sunset football matches on the beach
- Live the traditional Swahili lifestyle on Zanzibar’s finest beaches
- Learn how dhow boats are crafted on a visit to the boat yard
- Party into the night at Zanzibar’s very own full moon party


From $1200.
How to Apply:
For more information and an online application form please visit Volunteer Abroad with GVI: Volunteer Abroad programs in Africa, South America, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
Cor, if I had no other commitments, I'd be there like a shot! I just mentioned to my daughter who's 18 next year and may possibly be taking a gap year - she turned her nose up!!!!!! Is she mad! The yoof of today, what are they like!
yeah what are they like!!! My nephew turned down the opportunity too! :vangry