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Two monthes spearfishing holiday. WHERE SHOULD I GO ??

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New Member
Jan 12, 2006
HI everybody !
I'm a freediver and spearfisher of average performances (-30m, 4 min static apnea). During the period min Agust-October I'll have the UNIQUE opportunity to take 2 and half monthes vacation. I'd like to know wheather some of you coould kindly recommend me some exotic place (all the world is available!), where I could spend my holiday, spearfishing and freediving.
What I'm looking for is a place where one could start fishing from shore (no boat required), and possibly where sharks are not known to attack freedivers too often... Furthermore, I'd like a place where life is not too expensive and where one could easily do some travelling. I had in mind places like: Costa Rica, Peru, Noth Australia, Senegal....
I'll be very greatful to everyone that could send me some advice. The postcard is guaranteed !
Dario (dariocastagnoli@tele2.ch)
Barbados may be a good place except you are on a small Island. sickbugs lives in Barbados you should maybe pm him.

Apneista...you have a little conflict there....exotic, good spearfishing and sharks go together!rofl I have not been (to Gibraltar), but Canary Islands/Gibraltar ticks the boxes I think, it will be nice and hot that time of year, just not 'exotic' as in tropical island per se...
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Can't give you much first hand knowledge on this (although Jamaica is nice) & not sure where you are currently based. I believe some of the Carribean Islands:inlove (e.g. Bahamas) restrict spearfishing to hand spears & slings. If I had the time & resources, I might be tempted to visit Mozambique (or some of the islands off Africa, India, Indonesia, New Guinea) -- but I would expect sharks. Depending on what you are looking for, there are forum members in Rio (Ted), Florida and Mexico too. Central/South American might offer some island possibilities too.
With that amount of time you can island hop the pacific- Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Nuie & the Cook Is. 5 differnt countries & cultures all within a 2 hr flight from each other.
Hi and Thanks everyone who answered !

After reading your answers and some extra surfing, I'm trying to "restrict" the possible locations. Up to now the top list would be:
  • Mozambique (might be too cold, though)
  • Thailand + Bali
  • Costa Rica
  • Pacific Islands, like Fiji.. (even if y bit too sharky for me..)
  • what else?
If you've some more info on those ones, or others. I'd live to hear.

French Polynesia (Tahiti, Bora Bora, Moorea...) The most beautiful islands in the world, lots of great fish and harmless sharks!!!

Feel free to ask more!

Apneista said:
[*]Mozambique (might be too cold, though)

Moçambique is tropical, warm water. And it does have sharks, including the nasty bull, AKA Zambezi by the South Africans.
That time of year, I would stay away from the Sea of Cortez. Too bloody hot!

Moz... speak to miles - he is your southern african specialist and knows loads...
Dont come to Australia

Toooo many thing that like to eat you ie White Pointers , Funnel web spiders,
Salt water Crocks, Narrow banded sea snakes, Killer Red Roos,Drunk young girls etc etc.

Plus the diving is Crap and all the fish commited Suicide by impailing themselves on the end of spear shafts last weekend and those stupid Cray fish just love to jump into pots of boiling water.

Narr you better stay away Perth is a crap place to Visit


not from where i am looking
island_sands said:

Coolness Sands

I was just in that bay last weekend so the Kids could have lunch and a swim,
it was a good as ever.

My young fella went snorkling with me in about 6 meters of water with fish all around him with not a fear in the world, He has great form for a 6 year old finning perfectly arms in the right position looked like he had been doing it for years, obviously hasnt been watching Dad.
Should have seen the look on his face when i said he was ''Free Diving'' you would have thought Xmas had come again.

Will make one hell of a Free diver when he grows up and his younger sister will be just as good, just have to keep her away from ponies and other girly stuff like shopping with Mum.

Enough dribbleing about the kids could go on for ever, like most Dads

Reactions: island_sands
How about the Marshall Islands, it is a whole bunch of small islands forming and atol. I believe it is in the North Pacific Ocean.

Ive seen diving photos from a few of the islands and it looked like paradise. Clear and warm water, plenty of big fish. They shot dog tooth tunas, reef fish, huge napoleon wrasse, and other palegics. I think you can also adventure in the islands too, Large coconut crabs. It looks very native and untouched.
I would recommend Fiji from personal experience - its awesome, and has a good range of experiences to offer, above and below the water. In most places you can shore dive easily, especially on the outer islands. I've heard tahiti, vanuatu and the rest of french polynesia are just as nice too. Use a long spear gun as the visibility is extreme and the fish will see you. But if you can dive to 30m I think you'd catch some great fish

Sharks aren't too much of a problem but I would recommend a shark shield anyway.

Bali is cool but a lot of the reef has been dynamite fished. The place tends to have problems with the improper use of explosives in general it seems.

I've heard conflicting reports about thailand, from really great to not that good plus problems with scuba heads and authorities. It might depend on where you go.
Shark Shield

Hi yugyug,

do you have any experience using the shark shield?
Does it really work?
apniesta I sent you a pm.

it doesn't seem like that many ppl on deeperblue have used shark shields yet, maybe cos europe doesnt have the the same shark problem as in australia, where they are being marketed well and many spearos are now using them, search for the shark shield threads on
for more info.
from my experience its been more useful psychologically than in actuality, but just that improves the enjoyability of diving.
yugyug said:
...Bali is cool but a lot of the reef has been dynamite fished. The place tends to have problems with the improper use of explosives in general it seems. ...
How awful:waterwork :head Not many unspoilt places left it seems.
During those periods most places are good. SA diving shore diving towards October gets bad as it starts to run into the rainy season. Azores is good for shore diving up till end of October. New Caledonia is good for a shore dive but you need to be prepared to travel a bit towards the North. Mozambique is good for shore entry as long as you keep close to the shore. Big Ignoblis can be found later in the year. Hey! the UK is excellent that time of the year. I made a point of coming back here, lived in a van and fished the entire coast 2003 for the bass during Aug-Oct. Late October is good in eastern Greece for the light cream/grey Grouper.
Cheers Paul Maxwell
Re: sharkshield

Been using mine for 1 year now, and still going strong. Had some run-ins with bronze whailers in Northern WA, and didn't lose a fish.

All reports l've read so far are promising.

Moz, cheap as chips, awesome spearing, wouldn't worry to much about the sharks, but you need a boat and 4x4 to get to good spots

Have a great time:t :t
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