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UK spearfising book

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2006
UK spearfishing book

A friend, Eric Smith, has just published a book titled No Sharks Today. Eric has been spearfishing in the UK for 40 years and has been national champion a number of times as well as diving in a number of world champonships. His book is not an instruction manual more a collection of stories and adventures that he has been involved in during his spearing career. I have read individual chapters that have been published in the BSA's Crystal Clear magazine and very much enjoyed it. For a direct link to the publishing site see below.
(By the way the picture on the front cover was taken by me and is of Eric spearing under Brighton West Pier in December. )

No Sharks Today by eric smith (Book) in Sports & Adventure

Regards Kev
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Received my copy in the post, could not put it down for two days. A book written by a spearfisherman about spearfishing.

Just for information, after ordering my book it took a week to arrive
Got mine today, only read 50 pages so far, absolutely great read! Any English spearo is going to love this book. Come on guys get your copy so we can start discussing & sharing our thoughts.
OK Foxy just ordered mine I’ll let you know what I think.
Just tried to order the book and the link from the first post isn’t working, anybody got a link to the site that’s selling this book?
Doesn't work for me either? I get through putting all my details in then click on order and nowt happens!
I just tried paying with paypal rather than with my card and it worked fine mate.
Strange as it took me a week to get my order in, had to use my card as they wouldn't except paypal :confused:
Still worth the effort, good fun reading.
Just ordered a copy.

When you get to the payment page select the credit card box and scroll down to paypal. Then continue.

The page then displays dollars but you can select £ and it updates. Then links you to paypal.

I understand it will take about 5 days as they print the books to order?
OK I have read Eric's book & my only criticism would be - I wish there were more pages!
Basically it is his story about competing in the world spearfishing championships though the 70's & 80's. Very funny in parts & very scary in others.
Guns that required 3 people to load, dives to 110' & tails of guns that had to be depressurised so the spearo could load them after catching 200 fish!
Really good read. :)
Right he oh then just managed to get the order through:) now its just the waiting time.
Could have done with this a mouth ago when all I could do is lie on the sofa,:head but I’m sure I can make time to read it when it’s winged it’s way across the Atlantic.
Thanks for the Heads up.

I ordered mine last nite and cant wait. Its going to be nice reading a book all about uk spearfishing for a change.
Counting the days.
UK spearfishing star but mainly about fishing the word spearfishing championships. However you wont be disappointed, maybe shocked when you read of his amazing catches in the "good old days" when fish were more plentiful!! Having said that I believe he is still catching plenty, not surprisingly with abilities like his!
Many thanks for your good comments on my book I hope that some divers can learn from it and others realize that it is always harder for the ones left alive to tell a disbelieving, parent or wife of their death but as youngsters we all felt invincible.
Enjoyed reading your book Eric and to be honest I stand slightly in awe of your achievements.

I've met Eric during a competition in South Africa. Good and strong spearfisher and a very nice and funny fellow. A British spearfishing legend in his own right (as Pete Crawford, David Heaphy and Wally Pack, IMHO). I've just order my copy and paid by PayPal too.

BTW, when we dove together in the above mentioned meet, there were sharks that day... Inasmuch as one of his team mates (who was it again, Eric?) landed on or grabbed a monster ragged-tooth by mistake in near zero viz rofl ... BTW, I also got hazed by raggies on the shoulder and on my fin tips. It scared the sh*&t out of me too.

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