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UK spearfising book

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Damn that makes our waters sound so tame.

I grew up in south africa in a town called amanzimtoti and only went spearfishing a couple of times before I moved over to the UK I could kick myself for not getting into it while I was over there.
Man, you're right. The irony. Growing it up just south of Durban and getting serious about spearfishing in the UK...

BTW, the competition where I met Eric was the Culemborg International's, at Knysna, March 1988.
I've been gathering my thoughts on doing just that (the book). I'm collecting material and taking notes for a sort of spearfishing manual focused on Brazil, but written in such way that could be easily translated and adapted to other countries.
Mine arrived today. Only six days from ordering
Got my copy in the podt this morning.Can't wait to start reading it..
Ted you old sea dog it is nice to hear from you after all these years, my teammate who landed on the Raggy was Dave Barnard, who sadly passed away last year. I don’t know about you but looking back on that competition at Knysna South Africa with the huge seas and sharks I think we were all lucky to get out in one piece. I heard the young lad who caught the 20 kilo Mussel Cracker in the comp, had an accident diving an oil rig in the north of Peru some years later, have they any idea what happen? I look forward to your book.
Yours Eric
Dave Barnard, who sadly passed away last year.

Sorry to hear that, my belated condolences to the family.

looking back on that competition at Knysna South Africa with the huge seas and sharks I think we were all lucky to get out in one piece.

Tell me about it. I quit competing after that one. Not due specifically to it, but for sure it was a heads-up. I had lost three buddies in the six months before that meet due to SWB; my wife was pregnant and work was keeping me to train properly.

I heard the young lad who caught the 20 kilo Mussel Cracker in the comp, had an accident diving an oil rig in the north of Peru some years later, have they any idea what happen?

You've mixed the stories a bit. The Peruvian bloke was Rafael Suazo, AKA Chicho, who finished 3rd. or 4th. in the Culemborg's. Edmundo Souto, my team-mate, was the one who caught the 26 kg black musselcracker (poenskop). Chicho indeed disappeared while diving in an oil rig just few months the RSA meet. He told his buddy he'd shoot a big amberjack. His body was never recovered.

Cheers man.
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Reactions: Mr. X
" always dive with a buddie" rings true in my ears. The thing is , even after hearing this about swb I know that the next time the water is clear and ready I will be in there on my own hunting the next fish thats crosses my sight ( of size)
All of them were diving near buddies. One of them in the middle of a competition. with at least five divers nearby and nobody noticed. The best safety measure in freediving is self-reliance, humility and lucidity.
Reactions: podge
Just ordered my copy too. I fished in a few UK competitions which Eric was in and he certainly proves the old adage, "You can't put an old head on young shoulders"; lots of experience and technique.
A great read which i couldn't put down.Some great experiences and some sobbering moments.

Highly Recommended roll on the summer
Got my copy in the post today so I’ll start to read it at work on Monday.
Podge it sounds like you have the ideal job.

Scott on your profile your occupation is “Slave to the rich and powerful”
Well what can I say but-
Neil before me bitch… rofl rofl

Sorry couldn’t resist it.
I kneel before you oh master,,,, haha you gotta have a laugh. Well Paignton had a messy but surfable wave today but chickend and took the camera down for a few clips instead , saw one guy in just a rash vest but every1 else had the full kit on .

talking of great spearfishing books, have you guy's read Len Jones's book? read this a couple of years ago, fascinating stuff especially if you're an ex-SA spearo.


The book sounds good.
...talking of great spearfishing books, have you guy's read Len Jones's book? read this a couple of years ago, fascinating stuff especially if you're an ex-SA spearo.
Yes, I love that booklet. It's concise, those drawings show a lot of information simply, great value too. More info. on spearo books on this thread: http://forums.deeperblue.net/beginner-hunting/64516-spearo-books.html?highlight=Spearo+books

All of them were diving near buddies. One of them in the middle of a competition. with at least five divers nearby and nobody noticed. The best safety measure in freediving is self-reliance, humility and lucidity.
A sobering thought. Sounds like the buddy system gives a false sense of security. Does it offer real protection - have you guys ever rescued a buddy? (Do the competitions pair up competitors?)

First day of the season for me this week and I (& the rest of the family) developed a major head cold -- didn't miss much, although calm, viz < 1m.
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