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underwater habitat

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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
Hi all.

I amlooking into building an ambiant presure underwater habitat and am trying to find out how deep it can go so that there will be no need for decompresion stops when leaving.

The idea is to have a sort of underwater hunters cabin as it were. i am thinking probably 6-8m down so you could free dive down stay the night then carry on hunting the next day. Underwater speero guesthouse.

I would probably put it somware on a sandy botom and create some artificial reef around it hence no chance of desturbing any natural reef.

Any sugestions would be most welcome. I am an engeneer so i am ok with mechanical aspects it is just the long term efects on the body I am woried about am thinking the longest you would probably whant to stay down is 24h

I am planing on supplying it with air from the surface but if these times are not posable at these depths I will probably have to go o2 atmosphere ala O2 rebrether.

thanks in anticipation
I have no actual technical help for you, but I think it is an awesome idea! Some underwater cabin with a moon-pool that you could swim out from would be great. I can imagine a lot of problems with it due to the air situation. Obviosuly can't have a direct link to the surface as you would get flooded so you would need air pumped in. the other option is to have a scrubber that takes the C02 out of the air (think Apollo 13)

I have always thought about a smaller version of this for spearfishing. Just a barrel sized store of fresh air at depth to allow you to grab a breath without the need to surface and descend again. I can only see it ending in death for the user though! You would want it portable and easy to ressuply with fresh air which just causes problems.
Way back when our varsity Underwater club just began our committee had a similar idea to you and managed to build a habitat (they called the HUNUC) and get it transported out to sea and submerged it. Unfortunately it didn't last long because the weather on the day they took it out turned sour. Apparently if you know where you're going you can still see it on a dive at Vetchies.

I have all the old committee minutes from the planning stages (they asked to donations of anything from R10 and that was a lot in the day!!) through to the completion of the project, and newspaper articles written about it along with pictures.

Come to the club Thurs and I'll pull the info I have out. Interestingly, sometime last year we were looking into building an artificial reef and Andrew and I did a bunch of research into it so we could also chat to you about that.

As if the wine tasting wasn't tempting enough... :)

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