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underwater pumpkin carving

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New Member
Oct 3, 2002
The local scuba shop is having an underwater pumpkin carving contest in a few days and I was thinking of entering, but freediving. I'm scared it will be really hard though, seeing as I'll have to surface to breathe, and pumpkins are bouyant! Has anyone ever done this before, or have any advice?

Abbie :)
Hi Abbie , start by carving a small hole and shove a bullet weight in ...;)
Oh , and count your fingers after every dive .
Ask the organizer if you're allowed to clean it out first. that way you can just put some weight in so it'll stay put at the bottom. It'd help too if they allow you to draw the pattern on the pumpkin before entering the water.

Use a float and a line to save energy and you won't have to keep looking for the pumpkin, unless some sea lion steals it while you're at the surface breathing up!

Have fun!:)

Peter S.
the minute they say go, knife the pumpkin a couple times - will let the air out.

Hey guys,
thanx for awesome advice, I think it will help a lot.
And I'll be sure to look out for those darn sea lions. :)
Letting the air out and the weight is a great idea, thinking about it I would probably have dropped the pumpkin mid carve and bopped myself in the face with it as it shot towards the surface. :blackeye
Happy Halloween!
So do we get to hear how it all turned out? How 'bout a picture of the finished product....... and of all your fingers.....


Maybe you could breath the air that flows out of the pumpkin?:hmm (yuch)

Well, you don't wont your lungs to explode when going up afterwards, and go figure if it's really oxygen... so forget I mentioned it.
(sniffle sniffle) I got to the contest, eager to stun everyone with my weighted down, pattern drawn, float and line, pumpkin knifing, sea lion wary and pumpkin air breathing expertise... and no one showed up, except for the owners of the dive shop organizing it. :waterworks
Note to self: Move to the city...

Thanx anyways, guys, maybe next year...

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At least you have it all thought out now. You never know when you might find yourself in a situation where....... you might have to carve a pumpkin underwater. Hey if it were a James Bond movie you know he'd find himself in a crises where he needed that plan the next day!



Besides we all had fun thinking about that one.

If they have an underwater Christmas tree decorating contest for Christmas, let us know! (
lol thanx Abri rofl
I agree, underwater pumpkin carving skills are great...
Bond, Jane Bond

ps. underwater christmas tree decorating sounds like a helluva lotta fun...
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After reading this thread I really wanted to try some underwater carving myself, but decided the apt. complex might object to me carving in their pool :naughty
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