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Uploading photo from iPhone

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2010
Been trying to upload photos from my iPhone. Can get them copied into my post but when I preview the post the photo doesn't show. Anyone any ideas or is it an Apple control issue
I use a photo bucket app. Then set the upload settings to 300x300 on the size. Upload the pics then click on the photo. It should have an information icon, click on this then click on the img code. Type in your post on here an then paste the code. Wollah. Job done, long winded but actually quite quick an it does the job.

If you find a quicker easier way let me know, if not hope this is of use to you

Thanks for that!
Safari iOS currently doesn't support image uploads. So unless you use an app or workaround of some sort (like Scoobaru recommends) you will not be able to upload images.

Good news is that this will be fixed in the next release of iOS :)
You could use the tapatalk app as it supports image uploads.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk