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urge to breathe vs. contraction vs. squeeze...

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Hawaiian transplant...
Sep 9, 2002
Is the first urge to breathe pretty synonymous with the first contraction?

I don't think I've ever had a contraction; however I haven't pushed much past 3-minutes for dry statics. Does that mean that I am cutting out before I can surpress my first contraction?

When I first have the overwhelming urge to breathe, it feels like a vise on my chest & the squeeze is a long slow squeeze, usually lasting about 30 seconds until I cannot hold it. Once the squeeze starts, I can no longer relax & have not been able to push it away(as in holding off a contraction). Does that mean that I'm just being a wuss? :confused:
Is the first urge to breathe pretty synonymous with the first contraction?
They are very related and come from the same source, high CO2, but contractions for me doesn’t necessary mean urge to breathe. Some people don’t ever get contractions, but I think most do. I used to wonder if I got them, until I had some more experience. Now there is no doubt. My first sensation of contractions is a need to swallow. Sometimes I go for another 20 seconds before I need another one.

Dry statics are hard. In a pool I can easily push myself to a Samba, but dry it feels like I’m going to die. The urge to breath is much stronger dry than weight, especially if sitting up. But keep doing them, because they will get easier, or maybe your threshold for pain just gets better.

CO2 doesn’t rise very fast in statics. If you really want to see if you get them and what they feel like, do something like apnea walking where the use of the muscles will increase your CO2 fast. I have contractions they feel like explosions!

Purge breaths, which is like hyperventilation, but with almost full breaths, will lower CO2 and delay the urge to breath and contractions. The limit to purge breaths is too many will allow your O2 to decrease which is really the ultimate limit to breath hold and although they are delayed, it may cause the contractions to come on harder when they do come. Purge breaths are done right before the final breath. I do to 3 to 5 for statics and more for dynamic.
Good statics,
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I think your "squeeze" is a slightly different version of a contraction. When doing empty lung statics, I often (but not always) get the squeeze feeling as you described, usually it stops before 30 secs and goes into a set of contractions. The muscular mechanics feel pretty much the same.

Sounds to me like this 'squeeze' is just one, big long contraction. Maybe you simply don't have diaphram relaxation intervals. I've always bitched about contractions, as I really really do not care for the feeling... But when you compare a series of small 'squeezes' to one huge squeeze, I'll take it. It is those small moments of relaxation that makes the process bearable.
Exactly, I don't get those breaks - I've tried pushing through, but my face turns red & I just about pop. :(
Welcome to the fold, Harold. I was feeling like I wasn't doing things right as I was never getting the individual or series of "internal gulps or gasps" that I thought represented a convulsion. I mean even the name convulsion sounds like I ought to be doing figure 8's with my neck. :yack Time went on...

I pretty much feel the need to breathe as soon as I hit 40 feet or the bottom and I either just push through it or something will catch my eye and that small diversion keeps my attention away from the need to head up. During the rooting around the bottom, I'm good for two and change before that squeeze you describe gets in the way and after that it becomes more and more difficult to pass off, regardless of how big that abalone or ling cod waaay back in the hole is. Another 20 seconds and then a slight release of the squeeze gives me a bit of relief (15-20secs)and then the squeeze comes on big time. That's my cue.

I say this with a couple of caveats- in mid or blue water, as in when I can't see or there is no bottom :cool: I've got better control, but it may just be the warmer water, less gear etc. I find also that my times get really good when I have a fish on the shaft and I'm working. Of course it's at that point when SWB is an issue waiting to happen.
Originally posted by icarus pacific
I pretty much feel the need to breathe as soon as I hit 40 feet or the bottom and I either just push through it or something will catch my eye and that small diversion keeps my attention away from the need to head up. During the rooting around the bottom, I'm good for two and change before that squeeze you describe gets in the way and after that it becomes more and more difficult to pass off, regardless of how big that abalone or ling cod waaay back in the hole is. Another 20 seconds and then a slight release of the squeeze gives me a bit of relief (15-20secs)and then the squeeze comes on big time. That's my cue.

So, you drop down 40 feet, fuss around the bottom for 2 & a half minutes, then book it to the surface? :confused: I need to train more.

The only way I found that I can truly relax when diving is to close my eyes on the way down. Unfortunately hitting my head on the ground a couple times made even this a little unsettling. :head
Kinda makes you wanna respect me more, huh? :hmm

Before I get besieged with marriage offers or guffaws, I should make note that the diving up here as experienced by the QBean and Ocean Swimmer last month is, or rather can be a very minimalist or easy deal provided you let the water do the work.

About the only thing I need the fins to do is get me out there and then back up from the bottom once in a while. I could just as well just tie the fins off to the float and use the kelp as a downline, and then once on the bottom it's all pulling yourself along by hand or fingertips. Depending on the where and the conditions, you can spend the time in a very concentrated area or really cover some ground by using the surge. Once I tip over, there's little if any kicking or work involved, so while a couple of minutes might seem to be a bunch, in reality I'm not down there working a lot- just pulling myself along and that's where the time comes from.

If I'm in the open and have to use the motors, or I'm out where there's no bottom, yeah knock a half minute or so off. That's where I was having a grip on along with the sinuses at the Kraze.

You want to see some impressive game, check out the Styron. :king
waiting for contractions

Hey everyone...

This is my first official post on the message boards. I am just getting into freediving, so I can use all the help I can get. I should be in the water by nest week, just waiting for my suit to come in. For now, I've been practicing dry static and apnea walks. I've also been doing a little dynamic without fins in the pool, and can almost reach 25m. (Hey, it's a start)

From what I've read so far, it seems like contractions are different for everyone. If that's the case, how do I know if I've reached that point or if I'm just bailing out too soon? Am I jumping ahead of myself here? Or do I not need to be concerned with this yet?

Thanks in advance. BTW, if anyone is in or near San Diego and is willing to take a newbie along for a dive some time, please let me know. Thanks!

San Diego
Hey Torero,

I live in point loma, and have been into freediving for about two years. I am also looking for a dive buddy to go with who wants to really wants to improve like I do. If you want to go, PM me. I go as often as I can, and know a few good dives along the coast.

be well,

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I used to get contractions (lots, but not strong ones), but over the last two weeks I have completely stopped getting them. There is a 'squeeze' feeling, but it is much more bearable than the contractions were. I have not used any new method of training, so I don't know the reason for this change.

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