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US Divers Monitor 2 FOR SALE! New Battery Just installed!

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New Member
May 5, 2004
I’m selling a US Divers Monitor II by Aqua Lung complete unit with compass, pressure guage, thermometer, cage guard and protective bag. It's in pristine condition. (I'll send photos to those interested) This dive computer just had a NEW LITHIUM ION BATTERY INSTALLED! It’s is a working unit and had been pressure tested to 250 feet. It’s rated to be fully reliable at 330 feet.
I have a PDF. user manual also.
Let me know if anyone is interested in owning this workhorse of a dive computer-
send inquires to ecapitano@hotmail.com

Just to let you all know I put the Monitor II dive computer on ebay- Item number 3678610719

Good Luck!
Because of the demand for people asking me where I got my battery serviced, I'll give you the address.
With return shipping included, it cost around $119.00 (maybe less)
They are very reputable and worth sending equipment to. Check out the link on how to pack you computer for them. I would also call them in advance to let them know your sending your computer and what trouble you might be having.
ALSO, Unauthorized service technicians (THIS MEANS ANYONE THAT THINKS THEY CAN CHANGE THE BATTERY) should not be attmepting to change the battery. The battery is sitting in a two part epoxy that has a certain degree of "give" to it. If you purchace a similiar "feeling" epoxy, it might not have the right amount of pressure sensitive "give" to present accurate reading of dept which can kill you. In other words, Don't screw around with your life over $120.00!!! Idiots... So many people are out there saying they changed the battery. If you are one of these fools, Make sure you had it pressure tested at a Dive shop that can do that OR just send it out to be fixed.
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