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US National Spearfishing Champions - IMERSION

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Sep 26, 2005
2007 US National Spearfishing Championship.

Let's hear it for "TEAM IMERSION"!!!

Congratulations to Imersion team members Dennis Haussler and Mike McGuire for mens' first and fourth place!!



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Reactions: spaghetti

I think most everyone knows, but for those who don't, I am the north american distributor of Imersion spearfishing gear. That's why I'm so happy about the first place!!!

(the following was put together by Tony at spearboard)

Congratulations go to these fine men and women's winners:

Men's winner - Dennis Haussler

This is the second win for Dennis. He won in the year 2000.]

Women's winner - Amanda Ernst

The daughter of World Record White Sea Bass holder Bill Ernst. Amanda is an amazing 17 year old young lady!

The Rankings are as follows:

Top Five Men's Winners:

1.) Dennis Haussler

2.) Paul Castillou

3.) Mike Pender

4.) Mike McGuire

5.) Dave Edlunds

Top Five Women's Winners:

1.) Amanda Ernst

2.) Janis Smith

3.) Brandi Easter

4.) Faye Swenson

5.) Tonya Beirne

Top Men's Team Members:

Dennis Haussler, Mike McGuire and Alan Stehar

Top Mixed Team Members:

Robin Hie and Brandi Easter

Way to go everyone! (sorry about any name mispellings)

Dave then gave us the scoop on the current standings for the U.S. International Teams for the World's competition next year:

U.S. International Top Men's Team Rankings:

1.) Mojarra Guinovart

2.) Mike Pender

3.) Harolf Dean

4.) Dave Edlund (alternate)

5.) Mike Hickey and Dennis Hausslar (tied) (optional)

U.S. International Top Women's Team Rankings:

1.) & 2.) Sheri Daye & Amanda Ernst (tied)

3.) Faye Swenson

4.) Janis Smith (alternate)

5.) Brandi Easter (optional)


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That is ALOT bigger than any cod variety I saw in New Zealand waters! Now I know what you guys are talking about(they seem to be mentioned on here quite frequently).

Congrats to the winners.:friday
Well done Jim, very very well done.
I'm happy for you and I can't imagine how freakingly happy you must be for this great victory of your team. I'll send you a good bottle worth the celebration when I'll be back from my holidays.

It's been a few days, and my feet still aren't on the ground yet! In fact, ............I think the celebratory drinks should be on me!!! :friday

Mr. Freakingly Happy
the big fish are lingcod, big teeth come with them as i am nursing a couple to lingcod teeth cuts on my fingers form yesterdays dive. the red fish are Vellimion rockfishs and are down about 50' impresssive. the black fish are blue rockfish which are common if you know where to look,
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