The United States Apnea Association is pleased to officially announce that it will be hosting a National Competition from July 10th through July 12th, 2004. The competition will take place near Los Angeles, California. Dynamic Apnea will be held on Saturday July 10th, Static Apnea on Sunday July 11th, and Constant Ballast on Monday July 12th. Constant Ballast will be held off of Catalina Island. Conditions are expected to be similar to those expected for the World competition in Canada.
All AIDA rules and regulations will apply, and lanyards will be required for Constant Ballast. Currently, there is no depth limit planned. This event will be open for National Record attempts, but not for World Record attempts. Team selection for World’s will take place following this competition. Selection will be based on performance in Static and Constant Ballast. For more information on the team selection criteria, please contact USAA.
Anyone who wants to compete is welcome! There are no minimum performance requirements. In order to join us for the competition though, you will need to become a member of USAA and have proof of either DAN membership with Master Insurance or above, or PADI Gold or Platinum Insurance.
The entry fee is $240 US and will cover competition related expenses. Athletes are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.
For more information, to join USAA and/or to register for our National competition, please visit the USAA website at
As I have not covered all the details of the competition in this announcement, I am sure folks will have questions! To get answers, please visit the website, contact USAA, drop me an e-mail, or post them here. USAA members receive updates and additional information through USAA's group e-mail lists, so it will likely serve you well to join soon. We’ll do our best to keep folks informed, and please don’t hesitate to contact any of us at USAA with questions.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
Happy Diving!
Jen Housley
USAA Board of Directors- Secretary
All AIDA rules and regulations will apply, and lanyards will be required for Constant Ballast. Currently, there is no depth limit planned. This event will be open for National Record attempts, but not for World Record attempts. Team selection for World’s will take place following this competition. Selection will be based on performance in Static and Constant Ballast. For more information on the team selection criteria, please contact USAA.
Anyone who wants to compete is welcome! There are no minimum performance requirements. In order to join us for the competition though, you will need to become a member of USAA and have proof of either DAN membership with Master Insurance or above, or PADI Gold or Platinum Insurance.
The entry fee is $240 US and will cover competition related expenses. Athletes are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.
For more information, to join USAA and/or to register for our National competition, please visit the USAA website at
As I have not covered all the details of the competition in this announcement, I am sure folks will have questions! To get answers, please visit the website, contact USAA, drop me an e-mail, or post them here. USAA members receive updates and additional information through USAA's group e-mail lists, so it will likely serve you well to join soon. We’ll do our best to keep folks informed, and please don’t hesitate to contact any of us at USAA with questions.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
Happy Diving!
Jen Housley
USAA Board of Directors- Secretary