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Using PC to add coordinates to your GPS

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2004
How do you add waypoints from pc to gps? It would be a pain to add every single waypoint in a new machine manually. I think the pc would save a lot of time since you are using a keyboard and mouse. Does anyone use a pc for this?

I'm guessing i need the power cord and serial cable to communicate to computer - like this accessory for my garmin 172C

This adapter allows you to connect your GPS unit to AC power (U.S., 110-volt) and to your PC. Features standard 9-pin D connector.

THen i would have to have software to upload and download the data into my pc and gps. What software would work for this? I found a program called
EASYGPS. Is that what you guys use?

I would appreciate some info

ITS share ware down load it and start reading. its a really loaded program. I have toyed with it but Im waiting for a new computer before I buy. soon I hope. You can load in coordinates to an older gps unit. besides its fun to toy with
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