Not quite ready for the big leagues just yet? Check out the upcoming Triple Depth Series happening this summer in Vancouver. Depth limit for all three events (FIM, CWT, & CNF) will be 30m.
There will be top to bottom video coverage, and results will be included in AIDA International rankings.
Come check it out - this is a great opportunity for newer freedivers to get some competition experience.
More details on the Vancouver Apneist Website and Freedive Canada
~ Jen
**edit** Just noticed that this section of the forums is for National and International Competitions, so if this thread belongs somewhere else can someone please move it to the appropriate location? Cheers.
There will be top to bottom video coverage, and results will be included in AIDA International rankings.
Come check it out - this is a great opportunity for newer freedivers to get some competition experience.
More details on the Vancouver Apneist Website and Freedive Canada
~ Jen
**edit** Just noticed that this section of the forums is for National and International Competitions, so if this thread belongs somewhere else can someone please move it to the appropriate location? Cheers.